I can reject the emblems from the comfort of my sofa, thank you kindly.

by Nathan Natas 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Soon Jehovah's Witnesses will begin their annual ritual of inviting members of the public to participate with them in the rejection of the emblems representing the body and blood of the sacrificial "Lamb of god," Jesus Christ.

    The justification they offer for this bizarre practice is that only those who anticipate heavenly life should partake of these emblems. Since the vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses believe their future is earthbound, most of the attendees at the Memorial pass the wine and unleavened bread along without so much as a sip or a nibble, and the emcee of the event makes every effort to discourage participation by the unworthy.

    Witnesses say that the New Testament is a message intended, not for mankind in general, but specifically for those spirit-begotten future heaven dwellers. If that is the case, then Jesus' admonition to "keep doing this in remembrance of me" is ALSO directed at the anointed, not at the general hoi polloi who aspire to a terrestrial eternity.

    Like most of Jehovah's Witnesses, I reject the emblems, but I reject them because I'm an atheist, and I doubt that the Biblical sacrificial Jesus really existed.

    I find that it is much more convenient for me to reject the emblems from the comfort of my sofa while watching the parables of fellow atheist Seth MacFarlane as revealed by the cartoon show Family Guy on my TV.

    Paradoxically enough, I can do this while consuming a pizza and a nice Chianti, and I don't have to worry about who else has spread their germs on the cup I'm drinking from.

  • sir82


    If you stay at home, you can't be a "respectful observer".

    A "respectful observer" of what, you ask? Why, a roomful of 200 other people rejecting the emblems, of course! It is oh so important to make sure that no only do you reject the emblems, but that you watch other people reject them too!

    This is all Bible based, of course.

  • minimus

    "The emblems"...doesn't it sound so "cultic"?

  • Finally-Free
    "The emblems"...doesn't it sound so "cultic"?

    I always thought so too. The word "emblems" makes me think of a national symbol, coat of arms, or a Hells Angels crest.

    I'll reject the JW "emblems" by staying home. I can even "partake" of my own at home. I can even liven up the crackers with a little cheese and salsa dip.

    And I can "partake" with the utmost respect for whatever hot babes are on my TV.


  • Kinjiro

    Nachos & Corona... nos these emblems DO make sense!

  • cameo-d

    I don't have to worry about who else has spread their germs on the cup I'm drinking from.

    Although many church denominations have begun using individualcups for each communicant, some continue to use a common cup.To our knowledge, this study is the first to show the presenceof viable, pathogenic bacteria on the common cup after a Eucharisticservice.

    An urban, family-oriented parish with approximately 250 communicantswas studied. Eight Eucharistic services were randomly selectedbetween December 1990 and April 1991. Each cup was cultured10 minutes after the Eucharistic service, although cups werenot always cultured before the service. The entire rim of eachcup was swabbed with a sterile cotton applicator previouslymoistened with transport media. Cups were chosen randomly foreither bacterial culture or herpes simplex virus culture. Cultureswere taken in the sacristy to avoid interruption of parish activities.

    Of 16 cups cultured for bacteria after the service, 3 grew Staphylococcusaureus, 3 grew Haemophilus parainfluenzae, 1 grew both organisms,and 1 grew both organisms plus Branhamella catarrhalis. Fourcups showed only normal flora, including S. aureus; one showed coagulase-negativestaphylococcus; and seven had no growth. Four of seven culturestaken from silver cups and four of nine cultures taken frompottery cups after the Eucharist were positive for pathogenicbacteria. All three cups cultured for herpes simplex virus werenegative.

    This study shows that pathogenic bacteria may be spread amongcommunicants during a Eucharistic service. Previous studieshave shown similar pathogens on the common cup when passed among"healthy" volunteers in a simulated service [1]. Studies havealso shown that rotating the cup and wiping with a "purificator"are not effective in eliminating bacteria from the common cup[1-3]. This and previous studies show that the silver cup hasno significant antibacterial properties in the setting of aEucharistic service.

    Two cups that were cultured before the service grew bacteria,one that was pathogenic. This finding reinforces the need forhygienic cleaning procedures between services.


    Doesn't the Harlot herself hold the sloshing communal cup of blood?

  • Kinjiro

    Not too long ago I posted my opinion about the ritual and almost got D'fed from here! It seems that a lot of people cling to these ritualistic 'crutches' like a drowning man clings to a piece of driftwood...

    They are still slaves to the concepts... and get really pd'off when somebody points out the absurdity of the concept... so thread carefully (no pun intended) so that yee do not suffer the same 'wrath'...

    To have true communion with God, Nature or any other deity for that matter, you do not need anything more than your thoughts nor do you need an appointed date...

    Sit by the beach or a placid lake at sunset and you will understand what I mean...

    Please dont dfed me again...

  • minimus

    It's true that if Jesus was telling those who were going to rule with him in heaven to "do this in rememberance of me", it would only be logical to not think anyone outside the heavenly calling would be involved in this ceremony. Anyone else is not a part of the group.

    It's like inviting people over for a "meal" and telling them they'll have wine and food but they just can't have any of it. I guess that's one way to "remember" someone.

  • cameo-d


    He didn't even know Jesus, never even met him, nor heard him speak .....

    And he damn sure wasn't there to observe the event of the "Last Supper".

    ...is that careful enough?

  • rebel8

    Someone at a nearby church once spiked the host with LSD.

    So disrespectful to the holy cymbals.

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