I can reject the emblems from the comfort of my sofa, thank you kindly.

by Nathan Natas 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    A "respectful observer" of what, you ask? Why, a roomful of 200 other people rejecting the emblems, of course! It is oh so important to make sure that no only do you reject the emblems, but that you watch other people reject them too!

    LMAO! I don't think I've ever hear a better analogy of the supposed 'most important date of the year'.

    unc said: It is important to personally be present and reject the body and blood of Christ in the traditional Satanic/Black mass of the Golden Dawn and other contempories of Russell and Rutherford (like Crowley, the Thule and Nazi occultists).

    Wow! That's a damn good point Lee... Do they actually pass around bread and wine at the Satanic masses and purposely not drink them? If so, I think that is something that the average Witness would be very disturbed to find out. While no Witness would ever in a zillion years, admit that they were actually "rejecting" Christ's sacrifice, that is exactly what they're doing....or more accurately, being forced to do.

    This is the first year in my entire life that I won't be attending. I do however, plan on going to church for Easter where no one there gives a shit what date you were baptized.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    What better way to remind the rank and file how UNWORTHY and LOWLY they are than to make them reject basically THEMSELVES once a year and then rubber neck around the room to see if anybody actually does EMBIBE...thus causing a cluster f----ck of ooooohs and aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhs and pointing and staring at that person (who is most likely a nut case who also thinks they have seen Elvis). Its the most rediculous reason to take a bath and buy a new hat Ive ever heard of.

    You know when being chosen to be an assistant parking attendant at the Memorial gives you a thrill and a sense of pride you never had before...that you reeeeallly do need to get a life.

  • passwordprotected

    @ Mary; I woke up very early one day last summer during my exit and saw, very clearly in my mind, the sight of a full KH of JWs all smilingly benignly as they each reject the representations of Christ's sacrifice. It leaped out at me that what they were doing was, essentially, demonic.

    I did a bit of research and had it confirmed that passing the 'communion' around a room where everyone refuses it is part of some black mass celebrations. Yes, this did greatly disturb me.

  • 4mylove

    Rebel8, a few more drums and that would be a Neil Pert setup? (Rush fans?) Ha ha ha

  • unclebruce

    Hi Mary,

    you can take this thread's key point in reverse and accept the emblems from the comfort and privacy of your home if you want lol .. um not sure how you'd feel about that. I knew an Elder who was quite ill and got disfellowshipped for having his own 'reject the body and blood' ceremony at home.

    geez going to Babylon the Great for sucor this easter .. they luring you in with chocolate biscuites and cups of tea I bet.

    goodluck this memorial Mary. I hope friends and family just respect you for who you are.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    It is important to personally be present and reject the body and blood of Christ in the traditional Satanic/Black mass of the Golden Dawn and other contempories of Russell and Rutherford (like Crowley, the Thule and Nazi occultists).

    More info on this, please?!

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    In view of some of Rutherford's key men being active occultists, was the rejection ritual instituted on purpose or just a happy anti-christian accident of unrelated doctrine?

    More info on this bit please too?

  • unclebruce

    Heeeyyy ... go and do your own homework Mickey Mouse .. sheesh!

    I respectfully suggest you start with an exploration of who and what Rutherford's jail companions were.

    Or maybe just join your nearest satanic coven


    I'm probably wrong but one reason I'm suspicous of the Watchtower canibal feast is the way each person present is required to personally reject the bread and the wine. The servants have strict instructions to make sure everyone from about ten years old up passes the plate by hand.

  • Nosferatu

    The only reason I think JWs actually do look forward to attending the memorial is to see whether anybody has the balls to partake. A woman my mother brought into the Troof partook one year, and it caused a lot of whispering in the KH.

  • Mary
    geez going to Babylon the Great for sucor this easter .. they luring you in with chocolate biscuites and cups of tea I bet.

    Forget chocolate biscuits.......Up here we pass around Laura Secord Easter Eggs: Free Smiley Face

    Laura Secord Easter Egg from Mom and Dad by henshin_yo.

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