A "respectful observer" of what, you ask? Why, a roomful of 200 other people rejecting the emblems, of course! It is oh so important to make sure that no only do you reject the emblems, but that you watch other people reject them too!
LMAO! I don't think I've ever hear a better analogy of the supposed 'most important date of the year'.
unc said: It is important to personally be present and reject the body and blood of Christ in the traditional Satanic/Black mass of the Golden Dawn and other contempories of Russell and Rutherford (like Crowley, the Thule and Nazi occultists).
Wow! That's a damn good point Lee... Do they actually pass around bread and wine at the Satanic masses and purposely not drink them? If so, I think that is something that the average Witness would be very disturbed to find out. While no Witness would ever in a zillion years, admit that they were actually "rejecting" Christ's sacrifice, that is exactly what they're doing....or more accurately, being forced to do.
This is the first year in my entire life that I won't be attending. I do however, plan on going to church for Easter where no one there gives a shit what date you were baptized.