How did you come to the final decision to get out of her (The Organization, "Mother")??
What Got YOU Out Of The Organization?
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
The love of the real truth, over the comfort of a lie.
I had my doubts but JWD done it for me..Whoo-Hoo!!
Lady Lee
To leave my abusive elder husband meant I would have to leave the JWs with perhaps the hope of going back later. Later never came thank goodness
keyser soze
An ex "worldly" girlfriend freaked-out when I told her I was a JW, even though I was inactive. Shortly afterwards was a religious program on TV, the John Ankerberg show, that was focusing on the JWs. She wanted me to watch it. Their guest (a guy my father had been ambushed by twice in the past while making return visits) was a guest on the show. I ordered Crisis of Conscience from him, stopped believing the JWs were anything special, and decided not to go back.
The brothers and sisters. They are the ones that got me in. They are the ones that got me out. They were not nice.
The 607/587 issue opened a can of worms for me.
The rest is history!
Mrs. Fiorini
A JW friend started sharing information he found about the WT that reflected it in a poor light. Amazingly, I can't even remember the details of what it was. I just remember telling him that either the WT was the truth, and therefore justified in it's actions, or it was the most presumptious organization I had ever known. Once I was able to think honestly about that question, the answer was obvious.
Then I read "Crisis of Conscience" and "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and there was no going back. I remember at the time wondering how I could have swallowed that hogwash for all those years.
Thank God I'm out! It's the best thing I ever did for myself!