For me it was initially a chance discovery that the date 607 could only be found on witness related sites on the internet. Then I learned about 1975, the UN and the fact that the borg IS a cult. Once I opened my eyes to the fact that there are hundreds of other groups that oppress people in exactly the same ways as the WBTS, I realised this is NOT God's organization.
What Got YOU Out Of The Organization?
by minimus 53 Replies latest jw friends
My ex left in 2001. I did not follow with him for four more years. I think that may have not set well with him. I decided on my own to stay with the so called friends I had in the Borg and my then faith. It was hard to go alone to the meetings, since I had never done this before. I missed the time together we used to have, going out after with friends as we did so often. I started to miss book study, since it was a book studied before, again and again. Then, we finally moved into our new house way out in the country. The cong out there was weird and too far away. I don't like driving at night alone, so soon I was only going on Sunday. I felt guilty, so I changed to a closer cong. Then, everyone was interested in not me but my ex since he had been an elder and way more important than a woman coming on her own. I started to look the meetings, through the eyes of a new person. If I was going to join this group, would I do that now! Then, my ex told me in 2005 he wanted to separate then, divorce me. That really woke me up. After crying for a week or more, I asked him to tell me everything he knew from his reading and the internet about why he left. That was it for the wt. However as most of you know, we did divorce last year. I got out of the cult, but never took the time to find out why he really wanted to divorce me in 2005. I blame them for part of the divorce since it was the only thing that kept us together. There are other reasons but that isn't the question you asked, was it Mini? Now, I am an older woman living in the bible belt, near my family of church people, without a church of my own. I don't want one either! I am learning how to live alone and make new friends. So many on here have been an inspiration to me. Snakes your story was wonderful. Since my ex was an elder we had many an elder meeting in our home, in the basement. That was an interesting group of creepy guys. Wish we had left, when we had the usual disappointments with people we knew along the way. That should have told us it wasn't the troof. We kept plugging along in the haze of mind control. I am picking up the pieces of my life that I have left. I gave him a quicky divorce because I loved him. That is so over now. I do not miss the the so called religion but it still affects us. That is why we come here. Those friends I didn't want to leave, they have no idea where I am now. They lost touch with me even when I was trying to hang in there. What kind of friends are they? Many on this board think they know me and have their opinion of me. Come walk in my shoes for awhile, alone. I don't have another to love me now. I lost my best friend and roomate to another ex jw. He is the reason I left but where did it get me? Let's add it up, I am out and free of mind control, I am starting a new life. I have made some friends, joined a couple of groups that interest me, am rebuilding my self esteem, even lost 40 pounds in the process. I will not return and want anyone who ever thinks about going back to really think about their choices in life. They didn't teach us what the bible said, they taugh us what they wanted us to believe the bible says.
Scarred for life
Thank you for sharing, Kit. I read your story. You are doing great. And you are right about the JWs.
I'm happy this thread is here. You never know why someone might up and leave.