Did you feel "more right" with Jehovah?
Did You Feel Better After Confessing Your Sins To The Elders?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
I never confessed my sins. I always felt it was between me and Jehovah. Besides, I didn't feel I ever did anything they wouldn't have done.
The one time I was involved in a Judicial Circus, I said all the right things and then tried to convince myself that I meant them
The only thing I felt better about was not losing my relationship with my parents.
What a crock it was. Loving concern my big A$$!!!! They were more concerned with the dirty details NOT how bad I felt or anything concerning me.
I saw obviously repentant ones NOT get reinstated or wind up getting DF'd simply because of procedure or dumb elders.
Minimus, I saw the same thing happen. My sister made a major mistake and confessed to the elders the same day it happened and was disfellowshipped the following week. So much for being repentant.
Oh and one more thing, 5 years later there still some self righteous people in the town she used to live in that will barely speak to her.
only the POPE has the authority for absolution of sins....
I always thought it was hypocritical for JWs to slam priests when the elders acted in the same position---only worse!
I always wussed out on confessing. And I am not about to go back to the Kingdumb Hell to confess to apostasy, having my sun-worship lights up, listening to rap (and sun-worship music), and my Ouija board.
Not at all. In fact I usually felt worse. No not only did I know about my "sin" but now my parents, siblings & the E-Team knew about it as well as anyone that the E-team spouces talked to.
What I found FUNNY is that I have been called before them TWICE for the EXACTLY same "sin".
The First Time
I turned Myself in, cried and confessed, I took action to correct the problem, but lots in the Congregation Knew about it.
And I was Disfellowshiped
The Second Time
I was turned in by my spouce, I kept cool and calm, confessed some, did not give all details, I took some action to correct the "problem" and NOBODY in the Congregation knew about it (except for my spouce - who turned me in).
And I was Reproved
I did not beleive it before, but I beleive it now - It is ALL about appearance. Its not what you do, who you know, what you know, or who you do, its how you look and more importantly, how you make them look.