Oompa you are such a pistol! But after thinking about this, I wonder how the kids today are doing and what might be said years from now.
We were so deprived of communication with the outside world. Television consisted of 5 channels and most programs were off limits. There was no contact after school, it was all meetings, study and service in our free time. Clothing was bought by our parents, after school activities along with friendships were a no no. In other words, after school let out....we were back under control of religious nuts.
Now there are cell phones, the web, etc. Most parents have computers even if the kids don't, and the kids get how to use them while getting rid of any history even if they don't have thier own.
We were in a "virtual" compound. On the program Big Love, they mentioned the "God Squad"...which made me laugh. It reminded me of the Elders watching out for every little infraction....watching, listening, waiting for reports. Seems no one had anything else to worry about.
I realized I didn't answer how I actually coped......I didn't. I couldn't shake the religious iron yoke, so I started skipping school in my Junior year of high school. I maintained good enough grades, but skipped constantly with a few babysitting dollars in my pocket. It was the only social life I could get. Taking the bus up to the big shopping malls with my friends, which were miles away at the time. Some times we had to hitch hike home, as we had spent too much on Orange Julius drinks, or bought a cute top.
When in 7th and 8th grade, the only thing available for purchase were cute little short skirts, so my mother sewed all my clothes......I learned how to roll my skirts at the waist....anyone remember pulling that stunt? I would wait till I was one block from home and start rolling up, so that by time I got to school I had a cute little skirt on but a strangely fat waist band at the top. Girls were not allowed to wear pants in those days. To this day I hate skirts!
I smoked, and led a double life.....thats how I coped.....I was out of my parents home at 17.
How different my own kids were raised....they hate the JWs, my 22 year old is back at home finishing college....free, loved, and religion free. The 25 year old is on his own... free, loved and also absolutely religion free!...... I couldn't be happier!