Once they decide to believe or not believe something---that's it. No evidence, no logic, no proof will change them. What a waste!
Conspiracy Nuts Are Like Rabid JWs
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
Beta Male
rabid jw's ARE conspiracy nuts
Yes. My Dad belongs to the JW cult and the New World Order Conspiracy cult.
Two sides of the same coin, to me.
Ironically, one cult is about questioning authority. The other cult is about submitting to and never questioning authority.
I can't quite figure it out.
I suppose both cults can make a person feel "special", in that they believe they have secret knowledge of great things.
An essential component of any successful conspiracy is the presence of conspiracy theorists. Once a handfull are discredited and ridiculed no one dares investigate further. They are the unwitting accomplices of the conspirators. Their theories are, in fact, disinformation designed to draw attention away from the true conspiracies.
Are you casting doubt on the existence of the Illuminati?
Are you casting doubt on the existence of the Illuminati?
My ignorance on the subject is exceeded only by my disinterest.
We used to have some Illumanati kooks here all the time. They couldn't communicate in any thread without focusing on their wacky ideas.
The Illuminati are merely pawns.
Beta Male
so, FF, if someone disproves a conspiracy theorists ideas, that actually proves that an undisclosed, seperate theory exists and is true?
the bias is in the title...."nuts"..........it was looking at both sides of the argument that got me "my understanding" on 911.....and by the way guys...although you don't agree with me....I don't think you are nuts...you are all probably nice people with a different opinion.....