according to a documentary I watched the other day, the Global Warming Swindle. It was regarding the lies that the industury tells us that we are causing global warning by using products that have harmful chemicals that have caused the ozone layer to get worse. Well that is not so. In fact in this documentary it said that even thousands of years ago the earth experience increase levels of carbons and warming of the atmosphere and back then they didn't have the chemicals we have today.
There were times in history where we had mini ice ages and mini tropical conditions. And the same is now happening again. the global warming trend is not as dangerous as we are lead to believe. The earths temp. are not as great as they claim. the earths temp has only gone up a fraction of what we are lead to believe.
Yes our enviroment is suffering but we have time to repair it. We need to work together in providing the steps to protect this planet. One way is by using products that are organic, and allow nature to work at repairin itself naturally. Like don't rake up leaves let them rot all winter under the snow as they provide the grass over winter the nutrients it needs to grow back heathly in the spring. Composting. Reuse . recycle. The more we inculcate this into our minds and the minds of our children our planet will be safe for generations to come. Scientists believe we can elimante much of the earths waste by the recycling and reusing method. They also firmly believe we are able to keep our home for ever. They say climatic changes will occour but to what extent they are not sure. We could have a small ice age or a small tropical age.
We are the earths keepers it is eventually up to us.