In the 1st study article of the April watchtower, a statement is made about some apostates opposing the use of the name Jehovah. I would like to seriously ask this question to lurkers and active witnesses. Why is it that in the New world translation the Name Jehovah apears in the Greek Scriptures (AKA new testament) only 237 times and yet in the watchtower magazine between the years of 2000 to 2006 the Name Jehovah appears an average of about 3000 times per year? Are apostates really opposed to using the name or is the Organization obsessed with it? And the more important question is, is the organization more focused on the Old testament God and his name than on Jesus Christ which is where Christians should be putting their focus? Paul said at Phil. 2:9 that Jesus had been given the "name above every name" So why is it that in the same years of 2000 to 2006 we only find the name of Jesus used in the watchtower about 1500 times per year on average? seek2find
The name Jehovah and the April Study edition of the Watchtower
by seek2find 27 Replies latest jw friends
It's funny how they continue to say a load of horse sh*& about us scary evil apostates, I don't know any "apostates" that oppose the use of the name Jehovah all we say is how is it that the WTBTS are so sure that this name was in the original NT because there is no original NT and the writings that are available (oldest dates back to the beginning of the 2nd century) do not have this name in it, that's all.
I oppose the name jehovah. Yaweh is more accurate as the wt has even pointed out in a wt. The word jehovah wasn't even a word until around the 1700's made up by a Catholic Monk by the name of Martini. I don't really object so much to the use of jehovah but I do object to the jw's using it as a magic mantra and a end all to one's salvation or should I say to have a 'hope' of salvation the wt way.
As for Christ in within wt dogma, well, all I can say is they take every opportunity possible to denigrate Jesus Christ and make Him just a man or angel who wasn't the Lord at birth but only when He was baptized. Christ is not for the r & f jw, only for the 144,000 annointed so that is why they put so much emphasis upon the Old Testament. They are modern day pharisees.
It is not the name itself I object to. However, I like to use the name He seems to live up to best: Baghead.
Carla, They are modern day Pharasiees indeed. See Matt. 23:15 seek2find
(Matthew 23:15) 15 “Woe to YOU, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because YOU traverse sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one YOU make him a subject for Ge·hen′na twice as much so as yourselves.
i could see some postates fussing about a preference for yaweh, but have not really even heard much fuss about that....but i think MANY dubs do get upset when they find out that WT have actually CHANGED the the New World Translation.......and that they are not truthful when saying they have "restored" the name 237 times where there are quotes from the Hebrew Scriptures that contain the divine name........
since there are zero ancient greek manuscripts that contain the divine name, there is nothing to restore!..........and then they don't tell you that they actually put the name Jehovah in there WHEREVER THEY FELT LIKE!!!........all you have to look for are actual quotation there are no quotation marks and thus no cross reference.........then it is just a plain old ADDITION to the Bible...........the name Jehovah is used about a dozen times in the book of Revelation and not a single one is a quote from the Hebrew Scriptures........i mention this crime committed in Rev because of this powerful and important scripture..........
so they REMOVED the words Theos and Kyrios and then ADDED the name Jehovah........i do not like that it took me 40 years to find out i had been using a fake/fraudulant bible the entire time........everytime a word is ADDED or REMOVED from the Bible, the scripture that is altered becomes a spurious verse.........oompa
I like the name Jehovah. I had a cat named Jesus and a hamster named Jehovah and Jesus ate Jehovah.
I agree. THEY are obsessed. They do not give Christ his due. And yes, it's a religion mainly based on the OT.
In the 1st study article of the April watchtower, a statement is made about some apostates opposing the use of the name Jehovah.
I'd like to know how they even think they KNOW what "apostates" are thinking, lol.
I think it's just another way to alienate the current JWs from ever "listening" to "apostates."
But Oompa hit the nail on the head, ie, YHWH not in NT, period. Kyrios (Lord) and Theos (God i think) is what was used in the NT. If Paul wanted the YHWH name in there, surely he knew it and could have used it, ditto for all the others NT writers. So if it wasn't in there, why put it in there? Well, we all know their reasons, as perfectly described already in this thread.
And thanks for the number count on how often the WT is using Jehovah vs. Jesus. Very telling, as usual.
When they finally figure out that JESUS IS the ONE AND THE SAME as Jehovah in the OT, the JWs will be FREE.
God the Father lives INVISIBLY in the Heavenly Realm. He has NEVER TOLD HIS NAME to mankind.
Ditto for the Holy Spirit, who also remains INVISIBLE, and who has NEVER been named in scripture either.
The ONLY Person of The Godhead who has REVEALED HIS NAME and HIMSELF to Mankind, and who STEPPED OUT from the INVISIBLE realm to the VISIBLE to show Himself to mankind, was the COMMUNICATOR with Mankind, "THE WORD," who was IN THE BEGINNING WITH GOD, and WHO IS GOD. HE is an EXACT IMAGE of the INVISIBLE GOD. HE is the ONE who has ALWAYS GIVEN HIS NAME, as he slowly keeps REVEALING Himself to mankind through the ages, and He will keep doing so all the way to his official "REVELATION of JESUS CHRIST" at the end of the Tribulation.
So JESUS IS JEHOVAH of the OT, hence, no need to put Jehovah in the NT, because JESUS IS ALREADY THERE! Got it, WT? ;-D
Hope the WT reads this and learns something. ;-)