The name Jehovah and the April Study edition of the Watchtower

by seek2find 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    very funny garybuss!......but hey my scripture in my last post did not here it is....the important scripture:

    (Revelation22:18-19) 18 “I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.

  • wobble

    Keep at it Oompa!

    Lurkers reading here may come to realise that the WTB$ has added Jehovah to revelation 11 times I believe,with NO manuscript reason so to do,and of course Jesus is NOT quoting from the O.T as he gives the Rev. so NO justification whatsoever,and hopefully the curse on them for so doing will soon occur!

    I think they cling to using the name to try to make themselves exclusive,and Dubs can say "nobody uses the name like we do "

    Damn right,we have done our homework,we know what the scriptures say,and we know that Almighty God does not give a flying **** about the name Jehovah,if He did ,he wouldn't allow it to be attached to a large publishing company in N.Y who never teach the truth!




    "I like the name Jehovah. I had a cat named Jesus and a hamster named Jehovah and Jesus ate Jehovah". .. Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • heyfea


    I have told my mother the same thing.

    But in some cases, comon sense dictates that the WT made a mistake in substituting "Lord" for Jehovah. For example, Rom 10:13 on. 13"For everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved. 14 However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? How, in turn, will they put faith in him whom they have not heard? ....and so on.

    Now, my question is: How can anyone call on Jehovah and be saved when Jehovah Himself gave us JESUS in order to be saved? Anyone who calls the name of Jehovah would have to call him in the name of Jesus, otherwise, He will not even hear anyone. I know that Paul was quoting from the old Scriptures, but when Paul went on to say that someone needed to prach, was he saying that Jesus's disciples needed to preach about Jehovah? I think not. He was talking about preaching a message of salvation which Jehovah provided in Christ.


  • AllTimeJeff

    I am going to put semantics and personal beliefs aside on this, because Jehovah the name, will mean different things to each of us, esp if we have left.

    There is one underlying foundational principle behind all that JW's have become since Rutherford assumed power in 1917. It is, to be different.

    JW's have very questionable scholarship for the name, they have what are called the "J" references in the back of the big study NWT. These come from 15th century Jewish scholars who felt that the name was taken out. It was purely their speculative opinion, there are no other scholars around who believe them, but it is at the same time the only scholarly reference for the NWT.

    At Gilead, we were told that there was from the GB point of view, other likely places where Jehovah should be inserted, but without a "J" reference, then they wouldn't do it.


    At least acknowledge that this is your belief, that no one else has it that way, and that must mean that because you are that different and out there, then that MUST mean you have the truth.

    Because that is exactly what JW's do. Other then 1914, the big calling card is that they worship the god/father that Jesus did. Except amazingly, Jesus didn't teach us his name, only to pray for it to be sanctified.

    "Apostates" rightly point out that Jehovah is a horrible mis spelling of the tetragrammaton, and that the inclusion of it in the NT part of the NWT is intellectually dishonest in both its translation and its dogmatic applications.

    The article from April 09 WT is cycled through in different wording. It is interesting how the GB gets very self righteous about their self named god. They wouldn't give a rats ass if Jehovah did exist and came down and told them how to pronounce his name, they would stick with this ass headed version of it for traditions sake.

  • steve2

    Heaven forbid that the watchtower would ever accurately represent what (some) apostates say about the name Jehovah (see above posts for example). The watchtower is doing precisely what it has accused Christendom of doing: Unfairly representing the views of JWs.

  • jwfacts

    To say apostates oppose use of the word Jehovah is a rhetorical fallacy, attempting to use an Ad hominem attack to invalidate the arguement against the word Jehovah appearing in the New Testament. In actual fact, almost all people oppose using the word Jehovah in the New Testament because all evidence points out that it never appeared there.

    I always wonder who they are referring to when they discuss these "apostates". It is as if "apostates" are a collective body with a set of beliefs that they promote, which is certainly far from true. I hope I am one of the ones that they are personally referring to, due to my article at

  • Farkel

    Jesus didn't even use the Divine Name in his model prayer. Shows you how much he thought about throwing the name around at every turn. He said the name should be "hallowed", not turned into some sort of magic password.


  • blondie

    Good point, Farkel, one I made respectfully when I was a jw. If it was so important, why didn't he use it in the most important example of prayer.

    The jws do believe that "Jehovah" is a magic word when it comes to demons.


    spritsi p. 24 Serve Jehovah, Not Satan


    If the demons harass you, you can call on Jehovah by name and he will protect you. (Proverbs 18:10) But in order for you to have God’s protection, you must completely break free from everything associated with spiritism and demon worship. Worshipers of God in ancient Ephesus did that. They collected all their books on magic and burned them. (Acts 19:19, 20) God’s servants today must do the same. Rid yourself of charms, amulets, "protective" strings, fetishes, magic books, and anything else connected with spiritistic practices.

    *** yb86 p. 53 1986 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses ***A pioneer sister working rural territory encountered a man who yelled at her and slammed the door. As she left, he released two German shepherd dogs and commanded them, "Go get her." She knew that she could not outrun the dogs, so she turned and, while hoping to use her book bag as a shield, repeatedly called out Jehovah’s name. (Prov. 18:10) The dogs were running so fast that, when they tried to stop, they skidded right past her. But then, instead of attacking, they walked back toward the house as if they did not even see her. By this time both husband and wife were commanding the dogs to go after her. But the dogs sat down and refused to move. How grateful our sister was to Jehovah for his protection!

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    We are Jehovah's Witnesses

    not a inch of truth in that statement but nevertheless quite a purcuring strong one for

    a commercailesed relgion to make such as it is !

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