i have been outed pretty badly as an evil apostate.......BEWARE!!!

by oompa 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    As I always say...Thats is a powerful conditioning program that they have.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Alot of people go back due to family....better to be a zombie with family then a smart ass apostate by yourself.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    how do you think a diehard elder or pub would try to answer these questions?.......what could they come back with?

    With apologies to Mencken, for every difficult theological question, the Witnesses have an answer that is simple, clear, and wrong.

    Here are some possible answers:

    (1) They're not really going beyond what's written...merely applying Bible principles to modern-day situations.

    (2) The FDS was "appointed over all belongings" (and "belongings" includes you!). This gives the FDS the right and responsibility to use Bible principles to set standards in order to direct the world-wide kingdom preaching work.

    (3) Must be obedient to those taking the lead (Heb. 13:17).

    (4) And, if all else fails, "wait on Jehovah."

    Remember, Oompa, it all goes back to one thing: the FDS/WTS/GB was appointed by J.C. over all his belongings in 1919. Thus, they have the right and responsibility to manage and direct those "belongings." In other words, the FDS/WTS/GB has exactly as much power over a JW as the Pope has over a practicing Catholic. There is ZERO difference.

  • Alpaca


    Wow...the poop really hit the fan...huh, buddy. Sometimes the timing on things in life can't possibly be worse, but when that happens you have to recognize it and deal with it.

    Sounds like it is time to go. Living life looking over your shoulder and with constant apprehension about when the next shoe will drop is no way to live. Once you bite the bullet and put the B.S. of Dubdom behind you life will begin to improve in ways you can't even imagine.

    It's rough at first, but it does get better and better the longer you're out.

    Hang in there buddy.

    You've got lots of friends here.

    All the best,


    And P.S.--I have to respectfully disagree with O.M. Ghost--the Catholic Church isn't nearly as intrusive in its members personal lives as the BORG is.

  • Olin Moyles Ghost
    Olin Moyles Ghost

    And P.S.--I have to respectfully disagree with O.M. Ghost--the Catholic Church isn't nearly as intrusive in its members personal lives as the BORG is.

    I agree that the WTS/FDS/GB is much more intrusive into its followers' personal lives than the Vatican. Perhaps I should have been more clear. My comparison of the "power" of the WTS/FDS/GB to the "power" of the Pope was in reference to the power to make rules and doctrine. The two religions diverge when it comes to the level of enforcement and its attendant effect on members' lives.

    For example, the Catholic prohibition on birth control is "beyond what is written" just like the JW prohibition on wearing beards. But typically a JW man with a beard is going to catch a lot more grief than a Catholic who uses contraceptives.

    So the effect on the individual is much more pronounced in the JW religion, but both religions are led by men who claim Biblical authority to create doctrine and rules. In that sense, there is ZERO difference between the two religions.

  • hamsterbait

    NEVER trust a JW not even one who claims he has given up.

    If they go back they will betray you.


  • Alpaca


    What's the latest? How are making out?

    Hope things are going as smoothly as they possibly can, under the circumstances.

    Your situation has been on my mind since you started this thread.

    All the best,


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The biggest problem that can be said about you and your passed acquaintance Oompa, is you have a stronger intellect and

    a truer understanding of whats going on.

    I personally wouldn't get close and confining to a person such as a character like that, most likely all of the cumulatively

    dirty things he's done as caught up to his conscience and now he's looking out for some righteous redemption.

  • parakeet

    oompa: "hell i may even run ahead...do a preemptive strike and contact the elder/dad and let him know i just compiled a list of more questions...but just want answers!....how do you think a diehard elder or pub would try to answer these questions?.......what could they come back with?.................oomps"

    If your name was not on the list, then it's his word against yours (2-dub rule, remember?). If you decide to go ahead and hit the elders with your questions, they will prevaricate, tell you to "wait on Jehovah," tell outright lies, and that you're to blame because you lack faith. They will not give honest answers to your questions. Then they'll toss you off the back porch like a dead Easter chick. In either case, I wish you well.

    (Re your PM last week: Do you see now why I hesitate to contact exdubs in my area? Ya never know for sure.)

  • dorayakii

    I agree with hamsterbait, NEVER trust a JW...

    Especially NEVER trust an a young indecisive ex-JW. The most untrustworthy people are those who don't go to meetings but still have some sort of weird sado-masochistic attraction to the whole cultish organisation. They may criticise the org with you and you think they are on your side but it's often only to be accepted by you and by their dub families at the same time.

    Young people also often don't have a clear sense of the mortal danger of revealing too much information about themselves and their friends to witnesses and they're often quite unaware and ignorant of the thin ice upon which they are walking.

    I learnt this the hard way no less than 4 times between 2004 and 2006, one of those times certain private information got into the wrong hands, and a second time resulted in my having to disappear off the radar for a bit.

    500 lines... "NEVER trust a dub.... NEVER trust a dub"

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