JW facebook page growing fast, and already outing troublemakers......

by oompa 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    This page is a prime example of what the society DOESNT want their members doing...opening the door up to satans minions infiltrating and talking to their members! And poor poor Brooklyn, playing Wack a Mole on the internet trying so hard to get rid of all these pesky anti JW sites that speak ILL of them. Its so pwitty to watch them squirm. These sites are frequented by JW kids who were raised learning NOTHING else their whole lives and defending as if with a cookbook, the accusations against their faith. There is no free thought....yet :)

  • undercover

    I'm gonna play devi's advocate for a bit...

    A group of people with a common interest create a web forum to discuss their common interest. At first, it's open to any and all that want to join. The board is moderated, but loosely. Only the most offensive of comments are deleted. Only the most whacked of posters is locked out after several warnings.

    After a while though, too many people who just want to question the validity of the group and their common interest start infiltrating and challenging regular members. Some have legit questions and challenges, others just want to rile things up.

    After a while the moderators said, "Enough" and deleted the disrespectful posters and locked the site. Any new members have to be approved after asking to join.

    This wasn't a JW site or even a religion site. It was a motorcycle forum. Bikers aren't the overly sensitive type but the problem became bad enough that the mods decided to take control of their board back from those that disrespected it and their passion.

    True story.

    Now, we all know the issues with the JW religion and the WT Society. We know that this religion is a cult. Many of us have been damaged by it.

    It's one thing to try to open dialog to discuss the doctrinal issues of the religion, especially when done respectfully. If you can raise some questions or doubts in the minds of someone who's lurking, then it can be helpful. I've seen some do this and I can applaud that effort. My criticism is not aimed at those who are really trying to help.

    But when a site is overrun with people who join just to rile things up, it, in my opinion, does more harm than good.

    It seems that whenever a JW site opens up, it's inundated with people who just want to create a shit-storm. The JWs don't help themselves, true, with their anti-social dogma, but some people end up amping up the JW persecution complex with their over-running the site with derogatory comments, insults and barbs.

    It may be a small payback for some who see the oppurtunity to give them shit after being shit on by the religion. But to me, the issue about this religion isn't the average JW - the people -, it's the leadership, the organization and the structure with which they rule. They've created these cult zombies who are actually victims not the perpetrators. Why jump their shit? We used to one of them.

    The Society is always warning the rank and file about the Internet (because of the fear of them learning the "real" truth) but when one daring JW tries to be forward thinking and opens a JW forum or site, he and his group ends up "understanding" why the Society keeps counseling them and they end up being pushed further away from the "real" truth.

    And it is true that even the most respectful attempt at questioning and challenging the organization could result in the thread being locked or the poster deleted. But we know how indoctrinated the average JW is. We shouldn't be surprised. We should just hope that those lurking see the illogical nature of the JW attitude and action and make it a point to avoid the religion or question their involvement. Arguments and debates on a web site are not going not going to bring this religion down. Win the battle one disgruntled member at a time.

    Not that anything I said will change anything, but that's how I feel about. They have as much right to have a forum for their interests as does any other religion, hobby or interest group. Debate and discussion, if allowed is good. I just wish the ex's and anti's could temper their "attack" so as to not scare them into a locked forum.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    undercover....yer no fun LOL

  • WTWizard

    I'm not surprised they are having a hard time protecting the witlesses from thinking. Now, just about every allowed comment is going to be something you find in the Washtowels, which kind of defeats the purpose of having a forum in the first place. I expect it to quickly become a very wimpy forum.

  • Pubsinger

    Have they kicked Besty out of the group then?

    ROFL . . .

  • oompa

    wuzluvsdubs....playing whack a mole on the internet....roflmao!!...they cant win!!!

    Undercover....HD verses Vulcan!....lmao....that was such a dub story you were tellin.....but ya..the evil-slave over run sucks....just back off, show interest and have some smarts!!!...my prob is the dots....damm hard habit to break.............oompa

  • besty

    nah pubsinger - i'm still in there....

  • steve2

    Clearly, any JW who feels the need to contact other JWs over the internet is demonstrating a moderately independent-minded attitude. Regardless of how seemingly closed-minded their facebook entry-criteria are, they are exhibiting a bravely welcome deafness to Brooklyn's frownings.

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