Is everyone sick of me and Cameo'd being "Armagedon Junkies"?

by Witness 007 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • cameo-d

    Me and my friend Cameo'd have a condition known as "Armagedon junky".....we enjoy speculating on catastrophies ending the world

    Enjoy is the wrong word for me. Buddy friend 007, I am compelled. Why? Because I want to know why my life has to change; because I see great deception in all of our lives and I want to know why. I am like Eve...give me that goddam mango, I am going to take a bite. I want to know everything. I want to get to the bottom of WHY we have all been lied to so much. Why does this whole world seem to revolve around deception and control?

    All of us here are sharing that mango. Were you not told to restrict your literature to WT approved publications only? Are you guilty of the sin of disobedience? Or is the real sin the thirst for knowledge and truth? Yeah, sure, the garden is nice and I like the animals, until I have to sacrifice them and serve you the blood, oh great jah of the WT. I want to know what the hell I am doing here and why I have to do everything you say---or else!

    It is knowledge, not disobedience, that leads to death. When you know too much, you are either recruited to the other side or you have to be killed.

    As far as the catastophies....I am inclined to believe these are planned events. I believe even the weather can be modified and controlled somewhat. Surely some of you are familiar with Tesla.

    ...yes we are ex-Witnesses with a problem, we love the thrill of DOOM. It was taught to us as kids and we still do it now.

    Buddy 007, guess what? I am not an ex-Witness, but some of my best friends are. I don't love the thrill of doom. But I feel it in the air. I am searching things out to try to be a step ahead or at least decide if it's a false flag. Why? So maybe if it's real and I blab my mouth, maybe a few other people will be able to avoid it. Or at least practice critical thinking of what they could do in such a situation. That is a step in preparation.

    Doom was NEVER taught to me as a kid. I had a somewhat privileged life growing up. I never thought about the boogie man. I am giving up a lot of things that would be more enjoyable to be doing right now because it has become very important to me to know the significance of what is taking shape at this moment in time. We are all in for a big change. I believe Revelation is a syllabus; an outline of the script. I believe it was 'inspired' by a very evil force. I am looking for the details of implementation and occurrence.

    The last few months we brought you "Yellowstone Park is about to blow".......

    And I still have questions about that. I am still watching activity...and not just Yellowstone. What's really weird is that in reading local boards from the Yellowstone area, no one there was even aware of the tremendous amount of EQ activity. So why were they kept in the dark? Or could it be that this was a ruse? Another false flag? And why would the PTB manipulate such things? Perhaps they hope to wear us down with anxieties that may or may not be true. But for what purpose? That's what I want to know.

    "Foxnews = Solar flare will end life"..."Mass desease epidemics".....sorry my friend Cameo but me and you need to check into a clinic to stop scaring people....

    It is not my desire to scare anyone. These threats may be real. We already know from the Georgia guidestones and the Green Planet movement that one aspect of the agenda is to reduce population. They are poisoning us with our food and water and still, we are not dying fast enough to suit the controllers. If a "mass disease epidemic" is on the horizon, wouldn't it be beneficial to know this so one can plan to take precautions? Isn't it beneficial to know how this disease works so that one can be fortified to subdue it?

    but I have to say it was fun for some reason, the thought of throwing it out there to accidentally predict something apeals to me.

    I would call it more work than fun. I spend a lot of time reading and researching things. I am not trying to predict anything. Forewarned is forearmed. That is my vision.

  • leavingwt

    "Don't worry about the End of the World coming today, because it's already tomorrow in Australia."

    You're providing a valuable service, giving us the Armageddon reports.

  • Jake99

    Armageddon Junkies should check out the forums at where every End Times, Melt Down topic is discussed.

  • parakeet

    cameo: "We already know from the Georgia guidestones and the Green Planet movement that one aspect of the agenda is to reduce population. They are poisoning us with our food and water and still, we are not dying fast enough to suit the controllers."

    I'm not tired of Armageddon junkies. Read the above. You won't find that kind of entertainment on TV.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Okay Cameo our fans have spoken and our "Armagedon projects" will continue onwards! We will be the scientific "Watchtower" for JWO!

  • rebel8

    We already know from the Georgia guidestones and the Green Planet movement that one aspect of the agenda is to reduce population.

    Fixed: We already know from the Georgia guidestones and the Green Planet movement that one aspect of the agenda is to reduce population growth.

    One of the lies about the 2 things you mentioned is that they encourage killing people.

    I can't see what [positive] purpose it serves to spread falsehoods, for the speaker or the listeners.

    I for one have had it up to *here* with falsehoods in my life.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Not at all! I think I may just be an Armageddon junkie as well...always looking for dire headlines to prepare myself for what is COMING...and especially appreciate any heads up about anything I'm unaware of.

    I think it must be the result of being the progeny of Great Depression and World War II survivors - growing up, I had the whole depression era scenario, run-away hyperinflation thingie drummed into my head so I've lived with the doom and gloom threats for 50+ years. However, the new DEPRESSION that I was consistently warned about has FINALLY ARRIVED so in that sense, it's been good prep!

    Thank God I don't live on the West Coast of North America, because I've just learned about the Cascadia subduction zone - something else to worry about but something at least I can ignore.

    KEEP KEEPING US INFORMED! If it weren't for you, I would never have heard of Tesla! Thanks again.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I think it's the perfect forum to talk about upcoming possible catastrophes. Many of us were raised from birth with this on our minds constantly.

  • cameo-d

    We already know from the Georgia guidestones and the Green Planet movement that one aspect of the agenda is to reduce population.

    Fixed: We already know from the Georgia guidestones and the Green Planet movement that one aspect of the agenda is to reduce population growth.

    One of the lies about the 2 things you mentioned is that they encourage killing people.

    Ah yes, "reduce population growth". That's a nice little psych ops word to smooth over the intentions and implementation.

    How will they reduce this growth? Forced abortions? Genetic scrutinty and permission from gov. to reproduce? Mandatory sterilization of 'undesirables'?

    Doesn't that help to answer your questions about why there will be no marriage or real family unit in the new system?

    As far as the anhiliation agenda, it ties in. You see, those who realize what is happening will have to be dealt with in order not to spoil the plan.

    And the others who have no clue yet, will be starved out if they do not have the "unifying seal of god" in order to buy and sell.

    Ezekiel 9:6 "Utterly slay old men, young men, maidens, little children, and women, but do not touch any man on whom is the mark; and you shall start from My sanctuary." So they started with the elders who were before the temple.

  • Warlock



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