Is everyone sick of me and Cameo'd being "Armagedon Junkies"?

by Witness 007 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JimmyPage

    You guys are going to love the new Nicolas Cage movie.

  • Gill

    I love this thread and I love this topic.

    I too have wondered if my fascination with Armageddon scenarios began as a dubbie child.

    However, I have spent the last few years studying this subject and believe it is something that is drilled into the mass subconscious of the human race to KNOW that the End in one way or another is always just ahead of us! Basically, because it is true.

    There is always a conspiracy evolving and always catastrophe on the horizon. Whether you can predict which one will hit first is the trick of prediction.

    AT present, I am of the 'belief' that we are to have massive earth quakes, pole shift, earth shattering (literally) events as we enter the proximity of an incoming brown star which was announced to the world in 1982 and then conveniently never appeared on the news again. But I remember the original reports which is why I was not surprised when information on it resurfaced.

    I am fascinated at the purpose of chemtrails and suspect they are there to drop genetically targeted illnesses to help deplete the human race......any time soon......of course.

    Don't have an opinion on all!

    But mention the JW concept of 'Armageddon' a 'just' war to destroy all non dubbies and I balk and sniff at anyone's stupidity at even commencing to follow such an outrageous path!

    Either way, I am a true, dyed in the wool 'Armageddon Junkie' myself.

    I take my hat off to you Witness 007 and Cameo-d because scratch the surface of any news story and you will find another story, and another story and the real story is the one that don't even dare tell you and that' s the one I really want to know about.

    I KNOW global warming is total BS! I know climate change is 'normal' and it irritates me to hell to know that this is just some diverting government scam to steal our pennies before they finally kill us all with one virus or another.

    As my husband always says: 'Stop posting on the damned internet because you know one day, they're going to come after YOU because YOU know (or think you know) too much!'

    WAtch how you go people and where ever you go carry a big stick!!

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    the new Nicolas Cage movie.

    The scariest words in the English language.

  • cameo-d

    As my husband always says: 'Stop posting on the damned internet because you know one day, they're going to come after YOU because YOU know (or think you know) too much!'

    Why do you think they call it the interNET ?????

  • ninja

    or the WEB?

  • ninja

    or we use WINDOWS?

  • cameo-d

    <edit problems>

  • ninja
  • cameo-d

    Here is my best advice to all of you who may one day fear being rounded up as dissidents.

    First of all, realize the power and wealth of who we are up against.

    Do not worry about stockpiling for an economic crash.


    If they know where you are you will be a sitting duck.

    The census starts next year. If you get caught up in it, then make changes as soon as you can.

    Churches, organizations, and government have a lot of records on you. Change your habits; change your contacts.

    Find new homes for pets with chips, or have chips removed.

    Think about soverign citizenship; it might mean less ways to track you. It's a lot of red tape, so you best start considering soon.

    If WT knows where you can be found through emergency contacts, don't go there.

    And when that time comes, do not confide in anyone where you will be.

  • Farkel

    I'm almost afraid to post my worst-nightmare doomsday scenario, but here it is:

    I wake up one day and Armageddon is over. I've made it into the new order which is to be run by dubs forever, and ever and ever......



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