This article didn't post, oh well, it exposes the dangers of soda pop and it's link to kidney disease, I see sooo many young people and their kids still swigging cans of soda and I want to say hey your wrecking your health, I know for the very health consciounce this isn't big news.
Drinking Soda Pop Doubles Risk of Kidney Disease
by read good books 26 Replies latest watchtower medical
So, are you gonna just leave us hanging?
keyser soze
I know for the very health consciounce this isn't big news.
It isn't really big news for anyone.
I'd argue in favor of tighter government control on soda pop for health's sake.
Well, back to an all booze liquid diet for me....
I think it's a Freemason plot! Along with water flouridation, mercury tooth fillings, and arsenic in the water supply.
And plastics! Freemasons are behind the plasticization of everything.
I'd argue in favor of tighter government control on soda pop for health's sake.
Just what we need, more government control of our lives. How about tighter control of cigarettes and alcohol first. They tried that in the thirties and it was a great success.
I've hearing that since I was a kid... hold on... gotta go pee...
Water is boring.
read good books
"study by other scientists, recently published in the journal Environmental Health, found that nine of 20 commercial samples of high fructose corn syrup from three manufacturers were contaminated with measurable levels of mercury. "This adds the intriguing possibility that it is not just the sugar itself in high fructose corn syrup"
Hey somebody mentioned Mercury, what the hell is Mercury doing in Soda Pop? Or in fructose corn syrup products in general? Can anybody explain that one?
All in favor of drinking a big glass of Mercury say aye.