Learn how to behave when you're in a home away from home.?? Remember when an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George Bush on a recent farewell tour in Iraq? Bush later said that that incident was one of the weirdest of his life. But anyone who understands Middle Eastern culture knew that exposing the sole of the shoe to someone is considered a strong sign of disrespect. It is not a weird incident, just a part of Middle Eastern culture. Unfortunately, too many of us have travelled to a foreign country only to be bamboozled by the strangeness of their customs. It does not have to be that way, as long as travellers understand a culture and display the proper etiquette.?? ........................................................................Etiquette is the code of principles, such as respect and honour, in any given society. It is really the manner in which you convey those principles to others that can be a little tricky and may make others feel uncomfortable. Travellers want to experience new cultures and live in the moment, but they should also be careful not to offend the locals. There are many ways to travel the world and still be respectful of every local culture you visit, but most of us do not have the time study cultures extensively. The first thing you can do is pick up a book about the country you are visiting. Most travel books have an etiquette section to give you a brief overview of cultural mores.?? ........................................................................Meeting And Greeting?? Whether you are travelling for business or pleasure, meeting your foreign hosts in the correct manner is crucial to achieving a good first impression. If you are unsure of how a greeting should take place, wait for your host to offer the greeting first.?? ........................................................................In Europe, North and South America, a greeting usually consists of a firm handshake, eye contact and a smile. In China and Japan, a handshake will suffice, but your host may bow down to greet you. In the Middle East, your handshake should be gentle and should be accompanied with a smile. Men should not shake a woman's hand unless she initiates the handshake. In relaxed occasions, women may greet each other with a kiss on each cheek.?? ..........................................................................Dress Code?? Many cultures around the world have not yet accepted the idea of women walking around in booty shorts and men walking around topless. Your safest bet is to stick to conservative, comfortable clothing. For business, men should always wear a tailored business suit with a tie. He should be well groomed. In North and South America and in Europe, women can wear a business suit as well. In Middle Eastern and Asian countries, women should opt for a long skirt and long sleeved shirt or blazer. Women in business suits may come off as too aggressive and masculine in many Asian cultures. No matter where the destination, women must always keep makeup to a minimum so as to appear professional.?? ..........................................................................International Etiquette?? Here are some etiquette tips for some of the most visited countries around the world:?? ............Mexico: Keep your hands above the table at all times.?? ............Germany: Use a fork and knife to eat sandwiches, fruits and most other foods.?? .............Austria: Always arrive on time to social engagements.?? .............France: Do not be nosy, as the French value their privacy.?? .............China: Do not click your fingers or whistle in China; it's considered very rude.?? .............Spain: Never be late for a bullfight, but it is okay to be up to 30 minutes late for any other social engagement.?? ..............Italy: Never burp in public and try not to yawn in front of others.?? .............Syria: It is a sign of respect to take off your shoes when you enter someone's home.?? ..............UK: Always wait for your host to begin eating before you do.?? ..............US: If you are offered a second helping of food, accept it.?? ..............................................When In Rome, Do As The Romans Do?? Before embarking on your journey or business trip, research your destination country to learn a bit about their culture so that you do not offend the locals. If you are ever in doubt about your behaviour, just do as the locals do.?? .................................................Remember, just because something is different does not mean it is wrong. Customs, behaviours and religious practices are unique to every culture and should be respected when you are in someone else's home. Differences in culture should not be considered deficiencies; they are just different. More From DailyTakeoff.........................................................................................We have lots of people here,who have traveled the World..Tell us about the different customs you`ve observed..Or..Customs,unique in your country................................ ...OUTLAW
...Behave Already!!..
by OUTLAW 19 Replies latest jw friends
Sad emo
I don't think we have anything left in the UK - we're just so multicultural, PC and rights orientated that anything goes these days LOL!
Only one local thing I can think of but its more about gifts than ettiquette - never present a 'generations-hardened' coal-mining family member with any pictures/figurines or send greetings cards depicting a perching bird - its considered extremely unlucky to have one in the house.
Sad Emo..Wow!..Never would have known that.......Over here if you make a circle with your thumb and fore finger it means"OK".....Do the same thing in Italy and it means "AssHole!!"..LOL!!.......................................................
Sad emo
I just discovered that giving a thumbs-up gesture in Iran is offensive too.
I remember that in many Middle Eastern shops - usually small ones and street traders, you aren't expected to automatically pay the asking price. They get quite upset if you don't barter with them as this is considered the norm.
ASK ME IF I GIVE A FLYING FU..............
Sad Emo..I`ve only been to a few places that barter..It`s actually really fun..
..................................................................................Warlock..I just have to ask..Do you give a Flying F*ck?..LOL!!...........I worked with a guy..If he got really pissed with someone,he would tell them to "Take a Flying F*ck at a Rolled Donut.!"..I have no idea what that meant,but it was hilarious when he said it..LOL!!
In case you visit; here in Texas it is customary to acknowledge a redneck with a friendly pat on his crotch as you yank down briskly on the brim of his hat.
SixofNine..Yes that works real good here too..If your look`n to do a lot of business with the Tooth Fairy..
Outlaw, I have learned some very interesting customs...and sometimes embarassed my self to boot.
The biggest lesson I learned was from a family in Japan. My Husband and son stayed with them while my son was singing in a choir. Eventually I hosted them in my home here in the states.
First off, shoes in the house are a no, no.... I always had that rule anyway, and that was not a problem. What was a problem:
I was the host, drove them everywhere, and cooked for them. Here was the big mistake:, The Husband, who spoke English, was extremely insulted when ever I wound up in front of him....INCLUDING...UNLOCKING MY OWN FRONT DOOR! His dear wife let me know, that I should never be in front of a man from Japan. HIs wife and I had a few laughs over this situation, even though she could not speak english.
This Japanese man, loved my banana cream pies, and filmed me making them so that his wife could do it back in Japan. She taught and sent me all the tools to make sushi rolls.
I spent a month in Israel, many years ago,....stayed at the best hotels and ate in the best restaurants.....I will tell you this...waiters and waitresses are not like those here in the states. Most had an attitude and if they could have spit on us they would have.
I have spent much time in Germany....because of my looks, I am considered one of the locals....but let me tell you...they don't really like Americans...We own too much of their prime beautiful property....we need to give it back.
We were especially hated when Bush was re-elected....it really was embarassing to be in Europe at that time.
My husband is dark haired, and tall. I am green eyed, blond and tall. So everywhere we went, people would smile, and give me a greeting, my husband they always frowned at.
In Italy, it was no problem for my husband , and many a man flitered with me, which was fun. The hotels were great and so was the service!, The people were wonderful!!!!! The food fantastic......Italy is a dream....except if you have to drive in the cities.....arg...what a nightmare!
In Paris, .....ack, it was beautiful, but the streets were full of dog poop, the Seine was filthy, and the hotel rooms were horrible at top dollar with no air conditioning and the windows did not open. Most of the major hotels were owned by middle easterners...they were the worst as far as customer service. We stayed at a Hilton....300.00 plus a night,..very close to the Eiffel tower, and by god, no matter where we ate the food didn't come close to Italy or Germany.....and by the way native female Parisians are pretty rude. The men are very nice and helpful....but again, the streets are full of dog poop....really disgusting.!!!!!!
Here was the big mistake:, The Husband, who spoke English, was extremely insulted when ever I wound up in front of him....INCLUDING...UNLOCKING MY OWN FRONT DOOR! His dear wife let me know, that I should never be in front of a man from Japan. HIs wife and I had a few laughs over this situation, even though she could not speak english.
This puzzles me. From your story, it would appear this Japanese couple was here--in the U.S. I'd understand making an effort to comply with this cultural standard--if you were their guests in Japan. But, since you weren't, I can't see this as a "mistake," just as I wouldn't expect a Japanese family to deal with etiquette specific to the United States--if I were over there.