Farkel :That was some great reading. Hope every poster will read your thread.
Here's another gem:
"Occasionally some have alleged that the Witnesses are paid for their ministry. Nothing could be further from the truth! They take seriously Paul's words to the congregation in Corinth: "We are not peddlers of the word of God as many men are, but as out of sincerity, yes, as sent from God, under God's view, in company with Christ, we are speaking."-2 Corinthians 2:17." - WT 8/15/94, p. 9.
This is a delightful strawman fallacy. They have argued that the lowest people on the WT totem pole, the rank and file do not benefit or get paid for their book selling. This is, true. I would assume to be considered a "peddler" of something, one would have to profit from a sale. The R & F are not profiting themselves, but they are acting as surrogate peddlers from the ones who ARE profiting. Their religious masters in Brooklyn take in far more than they spend. That is profiting. Therefore, the WTS leaders are peddlers of the word of God, and are the biggest peddlers of such on this planet. Not only that, the largest peddling of God's word they do is to their very own followers.
A reasonable person knows that while the Bible IS a big book, it wouldn't take a religion over a hundred years to explain it, no matter how they explained or interpreted it. It wouldn't take a plethora of new books, new booklets, new pamphlets and new magazines every year for over a hundred years to explain it. A wannabe prosperous and successful book peddler would also recognize this, as the WTS has done. Hence "progressive revelation!" Never-ending new and different explanations of the same verses would mean never-ending opportunites to print and peddler books. But that should only be done in moderation, lest the flock grumble. In the meantime, never-ending RESTATING the SAME explanations over and over and over would give never-ending opportunities to peddle yet more new books. This is especially true if you've brainwashed your flock that they must buy these books or die.