So I'm daydreaming through the service meeting last night, (the end of the "supermeeting") and the MS is giving a part on always being ready to defend our faith. Blah blah know the drill.
So he invites up a brother to do the demo part. The intro goes somthing like: "My church says don't ever talk to JW's, they are false prophets, they said the world was going to end in 1975"
Well my head must have snapped forward a little too quickly as the wife looks over at me. Anyway, I'm all ears now, how is he going to do this demo and defend 1975?
Well he starts rambling, and I know he's not going to address the issue. Goes on for like 2 minutes trying to dig himself out of this hole that he threw himself into. Anyway, he wraps it up with "By their fruits you will be known, and J-Dubs produce good fruits" Householder accepts it and suddenly wants to study the bible, just like the script goes in all of the demos. LOL.
Wanted to ask him after the meeting if false prophecy was a good fruit.