I wonder if you could get away with approaching the guy and pretending you hadn't heard the 1975 date before? Ask him where he heard it, and whether there's any basis to it. See if you can return visit with the old quotes you "came across".. :-)
1975 Was Brought Up At the Meeting
by dismayed 36 Replies latest jw friends
Good fruits? You mean, celibacy, wasted lifetimes in field circus, poverty and stagnation, no blood when needed, pedophiles, lying to obstruct justice, hounding people for wanting to leave for personal reasons, not allowing independent research and cross-referencing? That is good fruits?
Homerovah the Almighty
Maybe what should have been brought up is the Society's big promotional push up to 1975 that caused emotional instability
even bringing some people to commit suicide , the deadly results of the fruits of commercialism.
Ohhhhhh.... I bet the Administrator of Spankings gave them BOTH a thorough spanking in the back room for that one!
Hobo Ken
Well elsewhere it was all apparently sanctioned by the whole body of elders....kind of makes you wonder if they're right in the head. My bro told me there were "several" under the radar ppl in the local cong that were ranging from doubters to outright apostates. I'm guessing that after their little demo some of the ones on the doubt end of the spectrum might have went home to check on the net what the folk at the other end of the spectrum have been saying!! talk about rifling one in the back of your own goal......
Woah, wait a wee minute, didn't Jesus say we'd know false prophets by their fruits? And what's the fruitage of a false prophet? Oh, that's right...false prophecies.
Hobo Ken
Not if they had the right intentions, plus your forgetting password ,that false prophets don't admit their mistakes so I guess it's Bad news and irrelevant news....
Well, as long as they have love among themselves, eh?
Hobo Ken
Family love" is rife among the org as far I know
I'm sure marshall applewhite had good intentions.....