Great job! I hope she gets to thinking over your points.
I think there's a problem though that you're just too far away from where she is now. Many of us came out of the cult and went through different stages. For me, it was losing faith in the JW organization, but still believing most of the basic doctrine. Then came losing doctrine by doctrine, but looking to the Bible for another alternative. Then came accepting some things that were contrary to the Bible (ie evolution), then losing faith in the Bible, and so on. We've come a long way and we're several steps away from what her most likely first steps are going to be if she were to leave.
By saying the Bible falls apart under scrutiny, she sees you as unwinnable. She's also going to take anything else you said with a grain of salt as well. To an outside open-minded observer, you won the debate. And I enjoyed all of your great points. But did you get her really thinking?
Hopefully you've raised some doubts. And maybe she will investigate those and maybe she will take those first steps. I hope so.