On metatron's thread about Dubs going mainstream easyreader said this:
Another issue causing the decay is the lack of a "date". In order for a cult to work, there has to be a date where everything will culminate. Even after 1975 came and went, there was a specific time period even though there was no specific year. The system surely would not last another twenty years, no youths in the organization would reach adulthood before the end came, definitely things would have changed before the turn of the century.The turn of the century happened, people who were in their teens, twenties, and thirties are now older, some working in terrible fields or are unable to change their professions because they were herded into window washing or sand blasting.
With no date, you've got no cult. People aren't storming out of the kingdom hall doors in disgust; they're just slowly slipping away. The money problem just makes it worse.