What I see are being a more realistic first step is for the Borg/BOE to stop imposing mandatory time limits on how long a person has to be D'fed before they can be reinstated. Depending on the sin it can be as short as six months, or as long as a few years; is is assuming that the D'fed person is repentant and the BOE don't need the D'fed person to meet any other requirement to be reinstated.
I was disfellowshiped and after three months tey told me that there was noting that I could improve on, but I still had to wait a year before I could come back. This made no sense to me, but I trucked along anyway and reinstated one year to the day from when I was disfellowshiped. They did not even need to meet with me on that day, I just got a phone call and they said, ok it been a year you are now reinstated and it will be announced at the next service meeting.
Doing away with this rule would be the first step.