New QFR on May 1 WT reaffirms 1914 and talks about Satan's ouster from Heaven

by stillajwexelder 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sinis

    Does anyone know why it took all powerful God "Jehober" and his number one man "Jehebus, FOUR freaking years to kick Satans ass out of heaven??? They don't sound that powerful, now do they????

  • cawshun

    WTWizzard, The WT won't be embarrassed, they are laughing all the way to the bank, the only one's that will be embarrassed will be, the JW's, going out trying to sell the lie.

    If the WT would have ended in 1975, up to today, they made their money off all the poor door to door sales reps. , so jw's will be the only one's hurt from believing in the WT scam

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