Can Anyone Actually Live By JW Rules/Suggestions?

by Skeptic 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Hi Rich,
    >Those two JW beliefs are contradictory. And JWs can't weasle out by saying that Jah designed the polar bear for both ways. If Jah knew the earth would get cold, then He knew that Adam would sin. That throws a whole new spin on the JW beliefs about God being all knowing, just, loving and powerful.

    Thanks for the clarification. They have really gotten themselves into so many contradictions, haven't they? They deny so much of what is necessary to BE GOD IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    Hi Abby,
    >Rex; do I misunderstand you, or are you saying you're a young Earth Creationist... ?

    I'm a fundy, arent't I? LOL
    Here's how it goes: Once one has established the historicity of Christ and has proved that to him/herself this follows; Jesus is God-man; He took the book of Genesis literally, claiming to have fulfilled the Law; He asserts that 'every jot and tittle' is confirmed and true; Therefore it IS true, regardless of what any human or group of humans says contrary.
    You can line up all of the 'evidence' and 'scholarly opinions' till eternity and it doesn't matter one bit.

    Now, if I can be shown that He did not actually view the events in question as literal, then I will rework my beliefs. This is also one reason that I accept the original mauscripts as inerrant and infallible. That does not mean that any one translation of scripture is inerrant. God made sure that we have enough of the picture to both surrender to His will and to have a measure of faith involved.
    Do I hear an 'amen'?

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