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NWT & KIT Prove Jesus IS Jehovah!
by PanzerZauberei 72 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi, Black Sheep.
I think that I explained to you repeatedly.
Jehovah is the name of "the Father."
Therefore, when you say, "Jesus is Jehovah", it is the same as you say, "the Son is the Father."
And it is not the Trinity.If you cannot understand this view correctly, Jehovah's Witnesses will take advantage of you.
And the Governing Body of JW will continue deceiving people.Probably Jehovah's Witnesses can increase members all over the world because there are many people who believe such the false "Trinity."
If people know the correct Trinity, people will never be deceived by Jehovah's Witnesses.possible
http://bb2.atbb.jp/possible/ -
In Genesis 18, Abraham hosts three visitors who are identified as two angels and the Lord ("Jehovah" in the NWT). Abraham spoke with Jehovah, ate with Him, and even bargained with Him. Abraham should have been dead also – or Jehovah is not God. In Genesis 32, Jacob not only saw God's face, but he wrestled with Him. Jacob identifies it as such by naming the place Peniel which means "The Face of God" and he says "I have seen God face to face, and my life has been preserved."
Again, if JEHOVAH is only the FATHER ... Abraham and Jacob would have died upon seeing the face of the Father. Therefore, the name JEHOVAH is not exclusive to only the Father.
I think that foreign countries have many stubborn people.
Therefore, the name JEHOVAH is not exclusive to only the Father.
So, since you want to say it, you do insincere questions repeatedly.
Even Jehovah's Witnesses do not explain that those Scriptures is Jehovah himself.
Originally, I interpret the Scriptures entirely "symbolically" and "figuratively."
I think that's the problem. Don't call people stubborn because they don't agree with your theocratic ideas. You're being rude.
Black Sheep
Jehovah is the name of "the Father."
There have already been some good reasons given on this thread that Jehovah is not just the Father, but is the Father and the Son and the Holy Spook.
Please understand the word 'and'.
It means exactly the same in Greek, Hebrew, Japanese and English.
The Watchtower relies on you not understanding this to create the illusion of confusion among Trinitarians.
If you are confused, the Watchtower has won.
I think its the word IS that confuses
Black Sheep
Turks and Caicos ISlands sure confuses me
and please don't ask me what I mean cos I grew up a catholic and am very used to mysteries
I think that's the problem. Don't call people stubborn because they don't agree with your theocratic ideas. You're being rude.
In this thread, I am hardly explaining the symbolic interpretation of the Scriptures.
And I am not requiring at all that you should agree it. It only proves that I am not a Trinitarian. If you are not pleased so much with my explanation, you should not question me persistently.
I had ignored your question.
P.S. I had said to you like this.
And I think that it is better to show "to whom" you wrote.