Perhaps there are wide variations in opinion as to what is constituted 'worship'. But why would an Omnipotent, Omniscient, All Encompassing, Self-Fulfilled Being need Worship from lowly human beings?
Now, those who don't believe in God or any higher being, please don't turn this into a slamfest of insults against others who do believe. I am not certain precisely how much I believe myself. But I want to understand why others would believe that 'worship' is appropriate.
We are often given the comparison by Christians of 'God the Father'. But what sort of egotistical, self-absorbed Father of children, would ever demand that they bow to him? I would never demand such as a father. I would expect respect. I would think that appreciation of a high level would exist in my children that were aware as adults of what I did for them. But I would never expect them to bow when I entered the room, to prostate themselves in total submission to my presence.