There is some speculation that he did.
I think I read somewhere that Adam's bones were used to divide the quarters between males and females.
Were the animals segregated as well as the humans?
I don't know.
by cameo-d 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is some speculation that he did.
I think I read somewhere that Adam's bones were used to divide the quarters between males and females.
Were the animals segregated as well as the humans?
I don't know.
Do fairies live in flowers? Do trolls live under bridges! Do manicorns mate with unicorns?
I've heard that they do!
I don't know.
Any takers?
He wore Adam's teeth for a necklace and used Adam's pizzle to flog his kids.
So what is this speculation based on, or is this idea pulled out of a dark place?
Who cares?
Perhaps you are thinking of this wiki item and combined the points:
St. Hippolytus of Rome , (d. 235), seeking to demonstrate that "the ark was a symbol of the Christ who was expected", stated that the vessel had its door on the east side - the direction from which Christ would appear at the Second Coming - that the bones of Adam were brought aboard together with gold, frankincense and myrrh - symbols of the Nativity of Cchrist - and that the Ark floated to and fro in the four directions on the waters, making the sign of the cross, before eventually landing on Mount Kardu "in the east, in the land of the sons of Raban, and the Orientals call it Mount Godash; the Armenians and Persians call it Ararat". [16] On a more practical plane, Hippolytus explained that the ark was built in three stories, the lowest for wild beasts, the middle for birds and domestic animals, and the top level for humans, and that the male animals were separated from the females by sharp stakes so that there would be no cohabitation aboard the vessel. [17]
Blondie, good find.
In Islamic tradition:
Baidawi gives the length of the Ark as 300 cubits (157 m, 515 ft) by 50 (26.2 m, 86 ft) in width, 30 (15.7 m, 52 ft) in height, and explains that in the first of the three levels wild and domesticated animals were lodged, in the second the human beings, and in the third the birds. On every plank was the name of a prophet. Three missing planks, symbolizing three prophets, were brought from Egypt by Og, son of Anak, the only one of the giants permitted to survive the Flood. The body of Adam was carried in the middle to divide the men from the women.
A lot of interesting info on Noah's ark can be found at:
Why were husbands and wives in need of dividing?
Nevermind, it's all silly Islamic/Christian mythology.
Eight Humans get a whole level but millions upon millions of species are crammed into two levels.
There are various traditions that the bones of Adam and Eve are in the cave of Machpelah. For the remains to still be around, how could they NOT have been aboard the ark?
Just when you think the Noah threads are exhausted they get even better! I love the idea of Adam's bones being on the Ark. Hell, why not? I say we put all these Noah ideas into a book and make a whole new mythology.