Memorial night is fast approaching. Our 5th annual demonstration will be held in front of the Kingdom Hall on Bridge Lane in Wilmington Mass. U.S.A.on Thursday April 9,2009. Demonstrations on Memorial night are very effective in reaching people who may be considering becoming a Jehovah's Witness. The Witnesses invite their relatives, friends, Bible studies, return visits to this annual event which makes demonstrations of this type very effective.We might not get many people out of the org. but we sure can stop many from getting in. If you would like to join us at this event and stand tall exposing what the Watchtower org. really is, a dangerous and destructive cult, let us know. The links above show past demonstrations posted on YouTube. As one protestor once said, if you don't stand up for something, you will fall for anything.
5th Annual Memorial night demonstration at Kingdom Hall!
by the research lady 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mrs. Fiorini
Wow. Thanks for posting this!
Man I bet the dubs there love this LOL!
the research lady
It's so thrilling to see that people want to participate in demonstrations in front of their Kingdom Halls! They will be demonstrating in Texas, Mo.,Virginia,Massachusetts, London England, and the list is growing! The good thing with these around the world demonstrations is that the message will be the same,getting the Witnesses to check things out on the internet. Efforts are now being made to have these demonstrators equipped with the same signage at each Kingdom Hall to create a unified solidarity exposing the Watchtower organization for who they really are, a dangerous and destructive cult! If you would like to participate in this important and worthwhile event at your Kingdom Hall or at ours, contact us through this board.
I'm glad you made the point that you will not reach many jw's but rather the point is to get others from joining in the first place. Of course the jw's themselves will be all excited about being persecuted but they are not the target of your demonstration anyway.
Efforts are now being made to have these demonstrators equipped with the same signage at each Kingdom Hall to create a unified solidarity exposing the Watchtower organization
Hmmm. I want to expose WT hypocrisy and free trapped minds as much as anyone but this is not how I would do things. Still, that is the beauty of non-organised apostasy, we are all free to chip away in our own way and to the extent we feel comfortable with - but I didn't extricate myself and my family from a high control group/cult to give up my individuality lightly.
I don't say that a Memorial night protest should not be pursued but I personally wouldn't do it.
Looks like all of you are still being hoodwinked by yet another person with a religious agenda.
You are not looking at the ulterior motives of those who would champion your cause.
This character hopes to sway you over to his programs through "operation default".
He is just as despicable as the WBTS.
the research lady
Hello! Cameo D, Make sure you report your time this month. The Organization appreciates your service. Cameo, please tell those on this board one thing you are doing to help people out of this cult.
where is texas, missouri??
Looks like all of you are still being hoodwinked by yet another person with a religious agenda.
You are not looking at the ulterior motives of those who would champion your cause.
This character hopes to sway you over to his programs through "operation default".
He is just as despicable as the WBTS.
Hello! Cameo D, Make sure you report your time this month. The Organization appreciates your service. Cameo, please tell those on this board one thing you are doing to help people out of this cult.
Maybe you can tell me why you would promote someone self-serving who is using the discontent of the JWs in order to make a play to "speak on behalf" of the discontents in order to bring them into his cult?