Elders "BEND" the scriptures

by Hangin_on 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Hangin_on

    Did you ever notice that elders tend to "bend" the scriptures when counciling you.... to fit their view of you or of the situation?

    I wonder what goes on before hand.. if they are going to council someone over a certain matter... do they talk between themselves and decide from what angle they will approach the subject at hand?

    They complain about false religion taking the bible and making it fit what they want to do in their lives, but I feel that they do the same when they feel a certain way about you or a matter they are counciling you for.

    Anyone else fell this way?

  • leavingwt

    "The number one priority of ANY organization is self-preservation." -- Daniel M. Taylor, The Myth of Certainty

  • DJK

    The scriptures are too open for translation and the Elders never seem to be consistent with any one translation. This is the Watchtowers fault.

    For example: Look at KH's in the east and the west and compare them to KH's in the northern central states regarding gun ownership. You could almost cancel a meeting in the northern central states because everyone goes hunting.

    I was raised in the northern states where we were taught that black people (people of any color or race) were our brothers. From what I have heard from former witnesses living in the south, the witnesses do discriminate.

    A very technological world with all of it's communication's capabilities and it lacks severely in consistency. Why?

  • SnakesInTheTower


    do they talk between themselves and decide from what angle they will approach the subject at hand?

    absolutely. You can be certain this is the way it goes, if for no other reason than to keep everyone (the elders) on the same page when talking to a person (rank and file publisher). Cant have any open dissention in front of them. Usually there will be one elder that takes the lead (even if not a JC one elder usually takes the lead in the discussion interrogation). If it is just 2 elders, the second elder will often be a newbie elder or one that is usually not real assertive. If it is a JC of 3 or more elders, one elder will take lead, often (but not always) the chairman. The others will contribute a scripture or thought or two just to not be bumps on logs... it has all been planned out..who will open with prayer, who will close, who will read what scriptures... who will ask what questions...

    It will sometimes be a good cop/bad cop scenario... and they will play off each other...keeps the publisher detainee off balance. I dont think elders do this on purpose..that requires too much thinking.... I think it just happens naturally. That part was never planned out as far as I knew. I do know that I tried to influence a JC forming to not be all heavy handed bad cops to give the poor saps a chance....

    of course, I went off the reservation many many times and asked unplanned questions or brought up unrehearsed questions... the elders HATED it when I did that.... probably why Elder Jackass didnt't like me and got me axed at the first opportunity.

    Snakes ()

  • Hangin_on

    Don't they themselves think they are wrong? It almost seems like they want to know your business and they would just love to throw you out of the congregation.

    I think they like to hear themselves talk

    I feel like I am just a "floater" and no one cares that I exist. Now if I slip up or they think I have. They are ready to throw me out and actually get off on it.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    They are ready to throw me out and actually get off on it.

    I never did.. as in any large population of humans, I think there is a small percentage of elders that do "get off on it." The same can be said with managers in corporations, teachers/principals in schools, or anyone else in a position of authority.

    I once told an elder that if I ever went back (and that will never happen), there is no way I would be an elder again.. I can't be judgmental like that... and now that my life doesnt involve it, I look back and think what an ass I was..even if I never intended to be... the nature of the job and position of being an elder seems to suck you in whether you want to or not.

    Ask some from this board how judgmental I was when I first got here... I am truly sorry I was that way... the tendrils of being a dub elder take time to die... I hope I am not considered to be that way now.

    Snakes ()

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    They are just like the organization in this regard. They have their own personal ideas on things that should be up to each person's conscience. They then find a scripture that they can distort to make it seem as if god himself is saying it. It's not what the scriptures say, it's what they can make the scriptures say.

  • wobble

    The amazing thing with cognitive dissonance is that you KNOW you are doing it! twisting scripture,being un-christian,whatever,how does that WORK?

    But it does.weird.

    By the way Snakes,you are so much better now! still an ass,but so much better!



  • BluesBrother

    Snakes has got it right about how the elders handle a situation . It is usually a new elder and a leading elder . He is the one that sets out what to say and he will pick a scripture from his repertoire and make it fit. The hapless recipient just takes it on the chin if they know what is good for them.

    I was many times in the junior elder role. It was cringe-worthy what sometimes was said but you have to keep a united front no matter what..First rule of eldership is to stick together.

    I wish I could remember the verse, but we (wife and I ) were on the receiving end of some "upbuilding counsel" after I was removed from the body. The elder (congregation hatchet man) used a certain scripture and wife and I both said unscripted and without a Bible in hand, that the context was wrong and that was not what the verse meant.

    Elder was visibly shaken and shut his Bible and ended the conversation - could not bear a real discussion.

  • Hangin_on

    The elders told me if my marriage fails, no matter what the case it is my fault. I told them I want my marriage to work and I feel like my wife doesn't do some things that she should and I want to work on them together as a couple. They told me that I need to pray for humility and that I need to accept what my wife does and not worry about her actions and just follow the scriptures and be the best husband I can be. And I am accountable for anything that goes wrong because I am the head of the household.

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