talk about an AWKWARD heavenly arrangement for satan...and Jesus...

by oompa 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    ever notice how INCREDIBLY patient god is?....esp re: Satan? WT never wants to discuss this I think. They love their "universal issue" of Gods sovereignty, and how it must take thousands of years to prove his point that he has the right to rule (just barf stupid! he has ALL the power, made everything, and can unmake everything...what the hell is there to prove to ANYONE!!!!). When if god just wanted to kick some satan ass early on, who the hell would have had a prob with that?...if any angel were stupid enough to, they would just get whacked too, plus, they were supposed to already know that the man was the only real deal.

    So satan screws up the first family, and he gets to hang out in heaven and contaminate others...i thought that was what df-ing was for? God chooses not to keep the heavens clean of a wicked liar, but wants the congos here clean? pretty weird that God lets satan hang with his homies in heaven and corrupt a third of them (that is a frikkin lot...he is good at his job).....but as stoopid as that sounds.....check out this awkward arrangement.......

    so satan gets gods own son brutally whacked and grave parks him for a whoppin part of three days or so....funny how 24 hours and two seconds can make up three days....but anyhoo......he pretty much get credit for killin gods son........and THEN gets to hang out with his victim in heaven for for almost 2000 years?!?! about awkward!!!..(hey satan, those damm thorns on my head really hurt, and i still have a splinter) ....has anybody ever seen a single comment in wt stuff about how the fluck this makes sense? What the hey were they doin up there?.......were they in the same texas hold'em league or something?................oompa

  • JimmyPage

    so satan gets gods own son brutally whacked and grave parks him for a whoppin part of three days or so... he pretty much get credit for killin gods son........and THEN gets to hang out with his victim in heaven for for almost 2000 years?!?! about awkward!!!..(hey satan, those damm thorns on my head really hurt, and i still have a splinter) ...

    Funny stuff, Oompa. And a good point to boot. But hey, you gotta live somewhere. Can't have Satan going homeless, can we?

  • JimmyPage

    Maybe I'll incorporate some of these points when I tell my daughter about Easter. It'll make at least as much sense as the chicks and rabbits do.

  • Perry


    Are you suggesting that you'd like to have God whacking someone immediately after they sinned everytime? What's the use of having free will creatures if some aren't allowed to rebel and run their course for a while?

    What's the hurry?

  • oompa

    you gotta be kiddin perry......i can see a week or month or two wait, but thousands of years?......if you have a kid who does something bad, and some parents do SPANK them at that point, the objective is achieved and they understand why it happened. But if you wait very long, the kid has no frikkin idea why you are spankin him, nor do his siblings watching the events unfold. And what about protecting the rest of the angelic flock??? give me some logical answers dude!!

    as far as free will, we have virtually none as an active witnesses. If we do not agree 100% with the WT party line, we better keep our mouth shut! and i know this first hand. my elder/dad does not believe that ONLY JW's will survive Armageddon, and many of my other jw friends do not either....but we better keep our mouths shut about this "free will" belief or we will be df'd as apostates. The same with my dear mom who does not shun my df'd son, because she believes that kids should not be allowed to be baptised!...thank god.

    there are soooo many witnesses that just can not believe EVERY point taught, but have to remain totally silent with their beliefs or suffer very bad you agree or not?

    and btw...i also know many who never agreed that oral sex was wrong or a horrible sin, nor masturbation, nor nor growin a beard!......

  • Vachi 8 He Is
    Vachi 8 He Is

    Ah but how about this: Because god put so much stock in being worshipped this led to satan paying more attention to the first pair. He gets jealous. (PAUSE god supposedly can read hearts so why didn't he do anything about this threat to the system then?) Then satan, excersizing his right to choose goes rouge and questions gods authority. (It is at this point where the tree of knowledge should come into play, because it would've made no sense for this symbol to be there beforehand) Other angels go rouge too and boom god kicks them out. They show up here like something out of a Superman II movie and trick infant Eve, who then SEDUCES infant Adum, both who were excersizing their right to choose as well. So where did all this start? Yeah, god's ego. What can possibly be gained by us worshipping him? What does he get out of it? If we choose not to for whatever reason he's to destroy us? I duuno dude that sounds a little "If I can't have you noone will" to me. You know they lock people up for that crap. So why does god have the immunity idol?

  • JimmyPage

    Vachi I like your Inuyasha avatar.

  • dismayed

    Oh but you forgot the 1,000 years = a day in Jehovah's eyes.

    So its only been 6 days, at least according to Franz math.

    Gonna be millions of human years just to get to a hundred in God's eyes

  • LouBelle

    God is worried what us worshippers will think of him if he just zaps Satan. Surely we will be suspecious of god if he doesn't give time to let satan to play.

    I prefer the greek gods - zap - done and dusted and couldn't give a damn about what the humans thought.

  • Perry

    if you have a kid who does something bad, and some parents do SPANK them at that point, the objective is achieved and they understand why it happened. But if you wait very long, the kid has no frikkin idea why you are spankin him,


    Have you ever decided that you wouldn't lie about something and then at the last minute you did anyway? This is called a sin nature. This is contrasted will free will, which is simply the "possibility" of doing wrong. It exists without the "compelling" that the sin nature exerts.

    There are several false premises in your reasoning. The most striking is the analogy to children.

    Satan, of his own volition, without being compelled and with the full knowledge of right and wrong and sin's consequences made himself evil. He therefore, is no child of God.....having forsaken the sinless nature of God.

    Therefore God is not under obligation to "teach" what is right and wrong to him/them because it already was known and then was abandoned. God is not motivated to "teach" anything to fallen angels, his motivation is to defeat them on the battleground of ideas. Once, their ideas are defeated they will be dealt with accordingly, in due time.

    Earth is ground zero of that battle.

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