ever notice how INCREDIBLY patient god is?....esp re: Satan? WT never wants to discuss this I think. They love their "universal issue" of Gods sovereignty, and how it must take thousands of years to prove his point that he has the right to rule (just barf stupid! he has ALL the power, made everything, and can unmake everything...what the hell is there to prove to ANYONE!!!!). When if god just wanted to kick some satan ass early on, who the hell would have had a prob with that?...if any angel were stupid enough to, they would just get whacked too, plus, they were supposed to already know that the man was the only real deal.
So satan screws up the first family, and he gets to hang out in heaven and contaminate others...i thought that was what df-ing was for? God chooses not to keep the heavens clean of a wicked liar, but wants the congos here clean?......so pretty weird that God lets satan hang with his homies in heaven and corrupt a third of them (that is a frikkin lot...he is good at his job).....but as stoopid as that sounds.....check out this awkward arrangement.......
so satan gets gods own son brutally whacked and grave parks him for a whoppin part of three days or so....funny how 24 hours and two seconds can make up three days....but anyhoo......he pretty much get credit for killin gods son........and THEN gets to hang out with his victim in heaven for for almost 2000 years?!?!....talk about awkward!!!..(hey satan, those damm thorns on my head really hurt, and i still have a splinter) ....has anybody ever seen a single comment in wt stuff about how the fluck this makes sense? What the hey were they doin up there?.......were they in the same texas hold'em league or something?................oompa