talk about an AWKWARD heavenly arrangement for satan...and Jesus...

by oompa 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    as far as free will, we have virtually none as an active witnesses. If we do not agree 100% with the WT party line, we better keep our mouth shut!

    May I suggest that it is the sin nature rather than the absence of free will that keeps you and certain of your dissenting family members in bondage to a silly little cult? If you were born of God, it would be impossible for you to live a lie, that being against your new nature.

    True, there may be short term consequences like shunning. But God will give you weapons to actually fight the enemy, instead of just feeding the monster in hopes of him being placated and leaving you alone in your misery.

    So, even in our bondage to the sin nature, God hasn't left us without choice. In Jesus Christ and especially the HOLY SPIRIT, God has restored a Free Will of sorts to man.

    When a person has had enough of the weakness of sin, I highly recommend trying out the POWER OF GOD.

  • oompa
    Vachi: What can possibly be gained by us worshipping him? What does he get out of it?

    i have posted that i have no clue about what worship really means or why anyone would want it? does it help them?...what do they get out of it even if they know it is hapnin? me with some contact info are not that far from me.

    and perry kinda scares me........

  • dobbie

    Does that mean that Satan did all that bad stuff and they didn't even shun him? Hmm hardly fair on the rest of us!

  • oompa

    dobbie...i guess they could have shunned him........but it is not recorded in the bible...they let him hang around for thousands of years?...after adam and eve and supposedly callin god a liar???..............................and is not fair........oompa

    just BS

  • loosie
    and how it must take thousands of years to prove his point

    Well if you go to collegge and take debate classes it better not take you 1000's of years to prove you G*D**n point.

    Sounds like god needs to go to collegge.

  • watson

    Did some figuring on this a while back, might not be close, but I think every 3 weeks (21 days) or so, 6,000,000 people die. Now, let's see.....Most of these had family and friends......just tryin' to measure the pain. Wow, this is a BIGGGGG issue we are talkin' about here.

    Not to worry though, when they are resurected, this will all go away.

  • Mastodon

    Word is that Satan and Jesus shared a bunk bed. Jesus got tired of being woken up by Satan and his lady guests at all hours of the night and kept complaining to Big Daddy, who didn't do anything about it. Finally Satan decided to leave heaven because he was very allergic to feathers and Big Daddy didn't want to buy an ionizer... so the story goes.

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