This is just a way to keep people in an organization that continually breaks its promises. They tell you that something is going to happen (something you want), and when it doesn't, you are supposed to wait on that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag. And wait. And wait. When nothing happens, you are supposed to just accept that the Almighty Lowlife Scumbag has His timetable, meaning He can make you wait your whole life and do nothing (or, worse, actually prevent whatever you want from happening at all). You are still supposed to wait, and serve that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag as if He had given you what you wanted anyways.
And, that "In a sense, it already happened" crap is allowed by explaining that you are running ahead of that Scumbag for wanting it to happen literally. Nothing, or worse, actually happened--and that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag never intends to do anything for you. But, He still wants praise--realizing that you were denied what you want amounts to running ahead of that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag. Well, Almighty Lowlife Scumbag, if you wouldn't move like escargot, maybe it would be harder for people to run ahead of You.
It also has application in, if you see something the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger is teaching, and you can prove it wrong from the Bible (never mind if you can prove that the Bible itself is wrong), you are still supposed to believe and teach the bad viewpoint until the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger corrects the matter. And this even if they themselves create an error where they once had the correct viewpoint. Example: A while ago, they changed "the sower" from Jesus (which was in fact explicitly stated in the Bible) to the individual publisher. An error that they created--and we are supposed to teach that error to householders that can prove that it is blatantly wrong (the Bible openly states that the sower is Christ) right out of their own Bible. And they wonder why people are not going to go into the cancer--if there is one blatant error like that, they wonder how many others there are.