New anointed rejected by the WT-society

by Kosonen 37 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • civicsi00

    As has been mentioned, this June 15th article explains in greater detail what was mentioned in the 5/1/07 QFR. The last paragraph in that QFR clearly stated that both the anointed and the other sheep both follow the direction of the GB.

    Previously, the GB have hidden themselves behind labels such as "faithful and discreet slave" and "anointed brothers", but now it will be clarified that it is the GB who take the lead and the only ones who can dictate doctrine. From what I observed, the regular everyday JW simply believes the anointed all somehow convene on what is truth. This article will let them know that this is not the case.

    I don't think we'll know the true reason for this article, but it seems to me that the GB fear losing control over the sheeple. They want to make sure that the R/F know that it is THEY who are the Channel to God and no one else. I'm surprised I didn't hear a reference to the Moses/Korah incident in the Bible ("You wouldn't want to be like Korah and rebel against the GB, would you??").

    I'm also wondering how in the world they can justify their power trip. The Reasoning Book clearly states that there was no Apostolic Succession, yet they are drawing a parallel to the apostles and that they are the modern-day version.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    This 9/1/51 WT quote proved to me what all this noise about the anointed among the JW's is all about.

    "Brief respite followed the death of Nero, but by the latter years of the first century, the second great persecution, under Emperor Domitian, flared up. It is said that in the year 95 alone some 40,000 suffered martyrdom"

    Lets all do the math, if 40k died how many lived? Then from the 1st century to the 19th century how many annointed? And from the 19th century until now? All those annointed and they have to fit in a box the size of 144k.

    When I was studying I was told the GB contacts the annointed for answers. Later I learned this was just another lie

    A friend expressed to me what her opinion is of who is annointed. Perhaps those burned at the stake might be first in line ahead of the old guys in a New York dorm. It made sense. The centuries have many christian martyrs who never lived in a dorm. Who knows who the annointed really are? The JW numbers don't jive.

  • bobld

    See WT April 1,2009 "Born again what does it mean?" Also see WT of 2000 ??????.

    When these smart (A..h..) GB said the end was near, because the FDS was getting

    old and they would be alive and on Earth before the end would come.Than they

    tried to explain their way out and buy more time by way of QFR'S.

    So how do they explain that the new anointed don't know shit,when these old ones

    die off and the knew system is not here.WHO WILL FEED THE SHEEP IN 1,10,20,30, 100

    YEARS FROM NOW? The God's must be crazy.


  • dozy

    The WTS has made sure that anointed ones are hardly ever , if ever ,appointed on Branch committees or given any responsible positions outwith Brooklyn that could lead to a competing power base being formed.

    It is easy for the WTS to dismiss a “maverick” anointed in Chucksville congregation who sends them a letter from time to time or who requests a meeting with the CO when he visits who humorously tolerates him / her. It would be another thing if a few “anointed” JWs in Millhill or Selters began to think they knew better than Brooklyn & started challenging them.

  • Narkissos
    The Reasoning Book clearly states that there was no Apostolic Succession, yet they are drawing a parallel to the apostles and that they are the modern-day version.

    Good point.

    There is no ground for "authority" in Christianity except through some sort of apostolic succession (imo that's the main reason why there are "apostles" in the first place). The denial of apostolic succession in Protestantism simply means that apostolic authority is not transmitted through a (imaginary or historical) continuing line of living bishops (as in earlier Christianity, either Eastern or Catholic, orthodox or heterodox) but through paper and ink in the NT. Which makes the interpreter the actual apostolic successor at any time; while this theoretically runs against the concentration of authority ("every Protestant is a pope with a Bible in his hand"), it practically generates power struggle among the interpreters. Every wannabe leader must prove his interpretation to be the better, the best or the only one, either on its own merits (e.g. consistency, effects) or on the basis of some outward "sign" validating him (cf. the role of charisma in neo-apostolic churches, validating the new "apostles"). In a sense, I believe this is the main function of the 1914 doctrine among current JWs (under its popular and anachronistic misrepresentation, "our organization predicted the date of WWI decades before"): it works as a charismatic sign validating a new apostolic institution (whatever the changes occurring in leadership or doctrine in the meantime). The WT leaders must see themselves as "apostolic successors" no matter how hard they officially fight the notion.

  • oompa

    how does nobody seem to know that all the anointed are united by something like a global Vulcan mind-meld?........or perhaps more like the actual Borg on Star Trek that were magically united and of the same "collective" thinking?........get with the program guys.........the stuff they have come up with through this amazing ability is astounding.....a miracle from above...............oompa

  • minimus

    If an "anointed one" doesn't live in New York, he'll never be consulted about the dispensing of spiritual food.

  • jam

    my sister ate the crackers and drink the wine for 35 yrs. My brother in law, her husband was abusive, both physical and mentally.

    He was a elder at the time and is still a elder today.My sister pass three years ago. In her case I can see why she had the

    misguided veiw. Life was hell for her here on earth. We were very close, and I knew for a fact my sister had know more

    insight of the scriptures then the next JW..In fact she knew very little..The sister that help my sister to become a JW,also

    was of the anointed. Two or three of the sisters that studied with this sister later drink the wine and ate the bread.

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