As has been mentioned, this June 15th article explains in greater detail what was mentioned in the 5/1/07 QFR. The last paragraph in that QFR clearly stated that both the anointed and the other sheep both follow the direction of the GB.
Previously, the GB have hidden themselves behind labels such as "faithful and discreet slave" and "anointed brothers", but now it will be clarified that it is the GB who take the lead and the only ones who can dictate doctrine. From what I observed, the regular everyday JW simply believes the anointed all somehow convene on what is truth. This article will let them know that this is not the case.
I don't think we'll know the true reason for this article, but it seems to me that the GB fear losing control over the sheeple. They want to make sure that the R/F know that it is THEY who are the Channel to God and no one else. I'm surprised I didn't hear a reference to the Moses/Korah incident in the Bible ("You wouldn't want to be like Korah and rebel against the GB, would you??").
I'm also wondering how in the world they can justify their power trip. The Reasoning Book clearly states that there was no Apostolic Succession, yet they are drawing a parallel to the apostles and that they are the modern-day version.