How did some people get black after Noah's Day?

by asilentone 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • neverendingjourney

    slimboyfat beat me to it.

    Seeing as how people of color are the majority worldwide, the proper question would be: How did people get white after Noah's day? Of course, the entire argument is a waste of time since the Bible is simply a collection of myths and legends.

  • unclebruce

    Ham's JW wife: Sister Nigeria:

    Shem's JW wife, Sister Gengis:

    Japeth's JW wife, Mildred:

  • cameo-d

    Uncle Bruce...

    I was loving the hat until u f**king scarred me!

  • yknot

    The same way they some people got Roman Noses....... strong inherited traits and genetic isolation.

    A better question is why did white people lose so much pigmentation?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    OK the black people have been explained clearly, now how what about the Chinese,

    they have a culture that is thousands of years old ?

    Come on you know it all bible scholars, spit it out.

  • cameo-d

    There were angel/aliens still mating with human women during the days even after the flood.

    If you recall, an angel/alien made a deal with Jacob to father the "twelve tribes". Those twelve tribes each carry a variety of genetic differences from skin pigmentation to eye color, bone structure, and various physical and mental characteristics.

    That is where the variety of "races" came into being.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    So an angel got busy with some babes of different nationalities and wallah .....ummm

    I wonder what it was like getting laid by an angel, must have been a real spiritual experience.

    OK, but where did those different hair and skin colors come from ?

    And what about those blue eyed blonds of Sweden and Denmark ?

  • cameo-d

    So an angel got busy with some babes of different nationalities and wallah .....ummm

    I wonder what it was like getting laid by an angel, must have been a real spiritual experience.

    OK, but where did those different hair and skin colors come from ?

    And what about those blue eyed blonds of Sweden and Denmark ?

    Homer....the angel/aliens created genetic differences in each of Jacobs children. From skin pigment to eye color varieties.

    "Mating" does not necessarily mean a physical sexual encounter. It's lab work. I am sure they are much more sophisticated and precise in their genetic manipulations of humans.

  • looseend

    Do none of you know this answer or is it just fun to be sarcastic.

    Noah and the ark are not real. If they did exist they did not in the way the bible describes.

    Black or darker skin is a protection from the sun. races that existed over time closer to the equator developed darker skin. Take into account the Africa and the middle east. European races that evolved farther away from the equator have lighter skin.

    I won't get into everything if you want to know more look it up. Just please do not reply that god created us that way or created us at all.

  • unclebruce

    So an angel got busy with some babes of different nationalities and wallah .....ummm

    I wonder what it was like getting laid by an angel, must have been a real spiritual experience.

    OK, but where did those different hair and skin colors come from ?

    And what about those blue eyed blonds of Sweden and Denmark ?

    Everyone knows the Angels desire the daughters of men .. jesus - Jehovah even got it off with Mary.

    As for blonde haired scandinavian chicks - what more proof do ya want? shit they even look like angels


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