Some time ago I confronted my JW former associate and asked if it is in fact that only Adam and Eve were aboard and no other humans. I then mentioned that there must have been quite an inscest fest. The other strange thing is that according to the WTS org is that there is no such thing as evolution, so just how could people get a permanent tan, and other features without evolving? More than just hidden dna I suspect.
How did some people get black after Noah's Day?
by asilentone 32 Replies latest jw friends
That last picture Unclebruce put up looks like Wille Nelson for God's sake! Anyway on a more serious note, maybe the blacks became servants of Jehovah, devoted themselves to prayer and turned white. Like that Mr. Draper the WT mentioned in the 1900's who was black and prayed to be white and became "fully nine-tenths white"!
wha happened?
I don't care how those sistahs got black. All I know is I'll never go back