Newbie *waves*

by Phee 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Welcome Phee, your experience is very moving. In time and thanks to reports like yours and the Andersons' work I've come to be more aware of that grim reality within congregations, which a few years back I would have dismissed as impossible.

  • avishai


    I'd make a report to the authorities now, even if the Statute of limitations is up, that way they have a record of it.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Welcome Phee!! survived it, grew strong from it, and got through it. A lot of us have :) Wont let ANYBODY treat us like that again!

  • crazycate


    Welcome! I'm so sorry for what you've been through, but so happy that your life is now good! This place is wonderful. Just learning that you are not alone means so much!


  • Quandry


    Welcome to the forum!!! Glad you are with us..You said:

    I want to spit on them.

    I just think that is the least I would do.....You were a child.....stories like yours make me sooooo dare these men tell you not even to discuss this with each other!!! And the WTS hired a lawyer for him?

    I wonder if this man is now doing the same thing to some other innocent young women? I do think I would go to the authorities...yes, even if the statute of limitations has passed....and also tell your story on the Silentlambs website.

  • Phee

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome(s).

    As far as my story goes...well, I'm not sure that I want to go ahead with anything. I know that sounds selfish, But I don't think that I'm strong enough to face that all over again. It took me YEARS to get to a place where I'm finally able to wake up in the morning and not think about least not everyday.

    Besides, I've asked my Sister to help me. We're going to make pamphlets and explain the situation (without naming my own name of course) and stick them on the cars of his new congregation during one of the meetings. If nothing else, they'll at least gossip about it and soon everyone will know. Whether they believe it or not...who knows.

    Any idea's on what those pamphlets should say?

    I was going to put the silentlambs website on them...I was going to tell my story, every LAST gorey detail of it and HOW he manipulated me.

    He'll know who wrote it...but I don't have to put my name on it...I don't want to get sued or something, so I need to contact a lawyer or something to find out if I can get in trouble for it if it comes down to it. Anyone here a lawyer??

    I have gone to the authorities to make a report, I had a few very close friends that were police and they were going to help me....but for some reason I couldn't make the report....I can't even remember why, I just decided that if I couldn't make a complaint, then there was no reason pursuing anything else.

    Anyways...thanks again everyone! It IS nice to be with people who understand exactly what it's like going through all of this. I love these forums!



  • drwtsn32


    I hope that's not a silent "h" in your name.

  • purplesofa

    Thank-you for sharing your story, Welcome to the Board.

    Although Jackhole is a real ass, Tiny is surely a piece of work herself.

    Glad you are having a happy life now


  • mouthy

    Thank you for sharing your story...Just go on with your life.So that you wont think about it often
    The more I know what that Organization has done to folks,The sicker I become.
    Not all JWs are wicked people, but I think there are a lot of bad apples hiding inside,.
    I was at Vickie Boar's court case,so I would advise to forget it.The lies they told on the stand
    was outrageous,,,, On the Witness side it was packed on OUR side were about five of us.
    Go on with your hubby & do as Jesus said. "LIVE MORE ABUNDENTLY" I am to old to change my
    life ( after 25 years in slavery) but your young with a lovely kid, a good hubby. Leave them to the judgement day.

    Which I believe will come (((HUG)))


  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    Welcome survived it, grew strong from it, and got through it. A lot of us have :) Wont let ANYBODY treat us like that again!

    I'm glad to hear you have a Husband that is good to you and your Daughter. That is so Important.

    I had a hard life, I was a Victim just like you.

    And now I have a good Husband that is good to me.

    Thank You for sharing your Story.

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