In the Hebrew bible, with the patriarchs and on many other occasions, you can read phrases to the effect like: "...and he lived a fulfilled life and was satisfied and satiated and saw his offspring prosper, and then he died and was assembled to his fathers."
So basically, that would habe been "the expectation of an afterlife for faithful ones living before Jesus was sacrificed".
Our contemporary (i.e., typically Christian) hunger for infinite prolongation of life is a very modern invention. If you had experienced all there is to experience, if you see the next generations well on their way, and if you have no concept of progress in our contemporary sense - why would you desperately cling to "the same thing over and over again"?
Of course there is the idea of the Messiah who will eventually restore Israel to her proper status (and Jews pray for it to happen during their lifetime, God willing), but that is basically a political hope that is not immediately connected to the individual. If you have lived life as it was intended by God, then at the end of your allotted time you can be satisfied as the patriarchs were, and you can peacefully die and rest in eternity.
There is no idea whatsoever of a general afterlife and certainly no notion of any "resurrection". In Jewish thought, that came only much later under Christian influence; Moses Maimonides added it only in medieval times as the last item to the "13 Jewish Articles of Faith".