Has anyone felt uncomfortable telling others that they were once JWs? I have shared this info with very few people in the 19 years since I left. I don't want to have to explain to someone who wouldn't understand anyway. And I guess on some level I worry that the person would be thinking "What an idiot."
Reluctant to tell others of JW past?
by happpyexjw 37 Replies latest jw friends
I've never been shy about telling anyone... and I've found people to be more curious and interested than judgemental.
I've found that sharing with others that I "used to be" a witness explains a lot about who I am to them. I don't look at it any differently than saying to someone "I used to live in NY." Making friends with new people is all about sharing your life's experiences. Just a few weeks ago a friend told me she had a hard time imagining me as a witness because I come across as so liberal. I laughed and said, that's probably how the people in the congregation saw me too! I guess that's why I'm not one anymore. I am not an apologists - I don't mind saying what's wrong with the organization - but it also allows me to answer questions about what motivates the r&f. Too bad I can't count the time! LOL
I have not been to the hall in 5 years, yet many co-workers still consider me a witness. I live a very christian life, despite NOT going to the hall. I am glad for the experience. I have learned it is GREAT not to be ashamed of who I AM/ WAS.
I tell people I grew up a witness so........
Never a problem for me.
I've found that sharing with others that I "used to be" a witness explains a lot about who I am to them.
I've found that as well, Nellie. I'm not the most socially astute individual and that explains that to a lot of people.
I don't advertise it, I have told a few people. Most people don't really know all that much about JWs, other than that they come to thier door. Most people wouldn't take it much differently than if you said you used to be a catholic or baptist.
I havn't been out of the borg for a year yet,so have hardly told anyone. I found it hard to tell people I was one all my life,so I guess i will only say anything if it comes naturally into conversation.
The funny thing was,when I was in,and "worldly" people got to know me and then found out I was a JW,the reaction always was "What YOU?"
I suppose it was because I was always a fun loving,hard drinking sort of guy,not their pre-conceived idea of a Dub.
I find it embarrassing I have to admit.
I figure if they told me their religious affiliation, then I might share mine or my past one. Most of the people I work with, my neighbors, and friends are just as careful not to reveal theirs. If they express an interest in jws, I'm more than happy to share some brief overview.
My JW history is so recent that most people in my life want to know what's changed.
I totally tell them, using the extreme descriptions- dangerous mind-control cult.
It's very cleansing to get it out.