Thanks for the reply. I agree with you in your assumption based on the social climate of the planet as it is today. My thoughts were based on a slow and steady baby step approach to the earth being gradually introduced to a more absolute realization of an impending visit. The announcement of the posibility of microorganisms in a rock said to have come from Mars could indeed be step one. Or at least a step that would be more widly accepted then the thousands of space ship photos and stories from people who claim to have been abducted.
History has shown in the discovery of new worlds that more advanced civilizations landing on foreign lands of a lessor advanced civilization usually at first had a positive acceptance. It is only after the so called discovers breached the level of trust that things went bad. Captain Cook in Polonaise, Columbus's men left behind to build in the Americas and Cortez in central America are just a few examples. At first the native people were hesitant but soon accept the new explorers when they saw they could benefit from their technology. It was the desire for gold and riches that drove most explores to their quest and with that as a goal it set them up for disaster. When an exploration based on equal trade was the goal such as the concept of bread fruit in exchange for tools in the case of English exploration of Tahiti things went along much smoother.
In any exploration, invasion, or discovery scenario it was the constant theme of "why" they came that determined how things finally ended up. No matter how primitive a society appeared the simple fact of the natives greatly out numbering the invaders usually won out on any argument.
If a more advanced civilization did exist and they came to earth with the thought of giving but also receiving on an equal basis the benefits could be unequal to anything this planet has ever experienced. That concept is hard to grasp by most humans because of the experiences of our own history and the way we acted in similar instances.
Whether you believe in space ships and alien races is irrelevant. Keeping an open mind and pondering the many possible scenarios is what is interesting to contemplate. I will still hold to the possibility that they exist and that if a race of beings had the intelligence to get here that they would be more advanced in not only technological achievements but also social ones. I think that the natives of this planet have more to gain from them then they would have to gain form us. If a visit was done as an invasion as opposed to an exploration and discovery then I hope the little suckers land in the USA. We have all the biggest and best guns. Unfortunately I think that is the general consensus.
Thanks man, I always enjoy your perspectives.