Do they still Pop Block?

by sacolton 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wizardca

    at the ol' dc...never had the vending machines or the snack booths open. anyone see them open or working at the Cow Palace?

  • shamus100

    I think it's because they don't get any royalties from the pop machines. Besides; the shasta cola's are much, much better. The cheap crappy puddings and no spoons are pretty nice too. But that's another story.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Here in Dallas/Fort Worth we never had a district convention (assembly?) that had vending machines. Seriously, even when I was hard core, if I had wanted something from a vending machine, I would have gotten in the face of any *(#@ attendant who tried to stop me. If they had, then I would have had to use the machine!

    As the story goes, and I've heard it several times from folks in the know back in the day, the reason Witnesses here always had the summer assembly at the Tarrant County Convention Center in downtown Fort Worth (BTW this is directly across the street from the hotel JFK stayed at the day he was assasinated) is because Reunion Arena (located in downtown Dallas and where the Dallas Mavericks used to play) refused to lease the arena to the Witnesses unless the Witnesses agreed that concessions could be sold.

    Naturally this was a deal breaker and the city never backed and neither did the Witnesses. All because these clowns don't want anyone buying a bunch of hot dogs and Coke.

  • PanzerZauberei

    Anyone ever thought of calling the cops? Just for shi*s and giggles? get the punks on videotape blocking the machine and when then wait for the cops to show up at the front door and explain that some bullies are blocking the machine and not letting anyone have any sodies. I might go to Bakersfield just to do that! LOL

  • Nellie

    I'm sure the reasoning at work was the same as the "brown paper bag your lunch" - they don't want any money going to the vending machine god's - that way you have more for the contribution box.

  • carla

    Didn't they also used to put paper over the mirrors in the ladies rooms so the women would not waste time on vanity? and do they still ration paper towels? someone said there were bathroom attendants who would pass out the paper towels. I guess you all should be happy Sheryl Crow was not on the gb way back when and tried to use her one square of toilet paper idea!

  • donny

    Yes, my ex-wife told me they covered the mirrors in the womens restroom with brown paper and sometimes it had Luke 16:10 written on it. ""He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much." The one good thing about it is that she said it was usually partially torn away by lunchtime on the first day.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    We never had anyone guarding the machines. They were always out of order, though.

  • sacolton

    I've heard ladies get 3 squares of toilet paper. Ewww!

  • garybuss

    The Bismarck, North Dakota facility was a rented public building used for events. It's a very nice facility by the way. The Dewayne Matz guarded vending machine in Bismarck was unguarded and 3/4 full on Friday. I got Lifesavers out of the machine Friday . . . no problem.

    Saturday when we went to visit the machine it had butcher paper covering it with a hand lettered "OUT OF ORDER" message written on it. I was surprised that the machine was out of order because it had worked flawlessly the day before. I pulled the paper away and I could see that the machine had been visited by the custodian and it was fully stocked. I thought I'd check to see if it was really broken and it worked.

    That's when the two security guards swooped in and belly pushed us away from the machine. One of them said: "The machine is out of order . . . B R O T H E R!". I said: "You're a liar . . . B R O T H E R!".

    Did I ever mention that I hate to be called . . . "B R O T H E R!"?

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