Why do we say " I believe in evolution"?

by Anti-Christ 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    I've used the same logic in the 1st post several times when dealing with people who want to maintain their addictions with the excuse of, "I don't believe _________."

    I agree it applies to evolution too. I find a lot of people say they don't believe it when they really do. I give examples--"Do you believe in gene mutation?" etc.

  • drwtsn32
    I find a lot of people say they don't believe it when they really do.

    Agreed. I think most people accept some components of evolution, like genetic change over time. But creationists don't accept the "big picture" or "extended version". They don't seem to understand what happens with genetic mutations happen slowly over very, very long periods of time.

    Some draw the line in the sand at speciation. In fact I think creationists are the ones that coined the terms "macroevolution" and "microevolution." Evolutionary biologists do not make the same distinction. Evolution is evolution.

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    The religion that is afraid of science dishonors God... Emmerson


    Great title eh?

    I'm half way thru this book and it is really good. It is not for BOX thinkers, unless maybe the lid is open. I highly recommend it.

    it will change your life! (more scary words)


  • Chalam


    Could be another long thread!

    OK here goes. Firstly, one of two definition of truth. See the third entry here.


    3 a : the property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality

    Or this one from my Mac dictionary.

    truth |tru?θ| noun ( pl. truths |tru?ðz| |tru?θs| ) the quality or state of being true : he had to accept the truth of her accusation.

    (also the truth ) that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality : tell me the truth | she found out the truth about him.

    a fact or belief that is accepted as true : the emergence of scientific truths | the fundamental truths about mankind.

    I think most people would say that the truth is synonymous with facts and falsehood is synonymous with lies or mistruths.

    I don't know about that. Catholicism is arguably the largest Christian denomination, and they officially accept evolution. They believe it was guided by God, from what I recall, but they accept evolution nonetheless.

    OK, could well be the Catholics position but I'd say they have quite a few things badly wrong also!

    Do you see science flip-flopping on issues like the roundness of the earth? The heliocentric nature of the solar system? The JW "new light" system doesn't really compare, although I'm sure they'd like to think it does.

    Yes I do! They have gone from a flat to a round earth. Light is a wave, then it is a particle, then it is both. "New light" is coming which says something diffferent ;)

    Others have a mountain of evidence to support them, and have stood the test of time. Evolution is one of those solid theories.

    IMHO the only thing that will truly stand the test of time is what happens when the universes ends as we know it i.e. we die or Jesus returns in His glory. Until then, much of what many think is "fact" is pure speculation.

    "Truth" is usually religious-type thinking. Someone claims to know the "truth" and are closed off to anything else -- they know the "truth"!

    I think any reasonable definition of truth will uses the word fact. Check out a few for yourself. Most here are sick of the term "truth" because they have found out what they thought was "truth" was in fact total lies from the WT.

    Face it... we don't have answers to everything. I know this is hard for some people to handle. As a JW we thought we had answers to everything. Personally I find it refreshing that we don't know the answer to everything.

    I agree. 'Big questions' as I have called them. I have faith and peace that I know the One who has all the answers :)

    And lastly, science not knowing the answer to something does not in itself validate a supposed "answer" given by religion.

    I agree. It takes faith. Now faith is not a blind leap. Neither is it solely based on facts. Here is the best definition of faith IMHO.

    Hebrews 11:1-3 (New International Version)

    1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.

    3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

    All the best, Stephen

  • Anti-Christ

    Chalam there is a difference as taking the truth as authority and taking authority as the truth, that's what the WT does ( take authority as the truth)and a lot of other organisations who need followers ( or clients, patients, believers, etc..) to survive. I have "faith" in the scientific method because it is self correcting, I know that some individuals or groups can be corrupt but the scientific method is the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of our natural world.

  • Chalam

    Hi AC,

    I think by definition, truth is authority. However, I understand what you are saying, especially with regard to the WT!

    I think that "faith is science" is appropriate. I don't think it is too much to say that science is "god" for those who believe science has all the answers. Similarly, atheism is "god" for those who believe there is no God or gods. In similar fashion, "Jehovah" is god to JWs (and Jesus isn't) and on.

    So I find we are back at the question, what is truth? What is the one true God?

    IMHO opinion, find the real one and satisfaction is guaranteed :)

    All the best,


  • Anti-Christ
    I don't think it is too much to say that science is "god" for those who believe science has all the answers.

    Personally I don't think science has all the answers ( I don't know anybody who does) but with the scientific method we can come closer to getting good and accurate answers

    So I find we are back at the question, what is truth? What is the one true God?
    IMHO opinion, find the real one and satisfaction is guaranteed :)
    All the best,

    Interesting way of seeing things but I must say we differ in our philosophy.

  • Chalam

    Hi AC,

    If science cannot answer all the questions then that begs the question, who can?

    In life, if there are questions there there are always answers, you just have to go to the right place to find them.

    All the best,


  • Warlock

    When I see a man who had been a monkey, walk out of the jungle saying "Here I am!", I'll think about it.


  • drwtsn32
    When I see a man who had been a monkey, walk out of the jungle saying "Here I am!", I'll think about it.

    If you think the theory of evolution says something like that is even possible, well...

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