The "all" statements are a common rhetorical device…
I am not interested in rhetorical devices.
that is commonly understood to mean "all (in the knowledge of spook")…
I am not the kind of honest hearted person that I can just “understand,” or guess, what you REALLY mean. Say what you mean; mean what you say.
and it's quicker than probabilistic arguments.
It is not my fault IF you are too lazy too clearly state your arguments.
Furthermore, the burden of proof in the face of absolute negatives is shifted to the antagonist. Or else negative statments have no real meaning.
Very good, but I did not make a statement of absolute negative. You made a statement of absolute positive. Therefore, you have the burden of proving the absolute positive. To do so, you have to be able to observe the entire set contained by the positive. I.E. all the bottles on my desk are Mountain Dew bottles. I can observe all four bottles on my desk and they are Mt. Dew bottles.
1. For any theory…
No, has no relavence to my basic position, which is: Evolution is propped up by speculation and ad hoc theories.
The last I'll say on your endless critique of my example for today is that we can certainly find a deviation and confidence level from a suitably large population of currently living humans to use as a basis- this exists and is a fact. Now, it is true that one could generate a test genome against which the previous range could be compared. You can then say either it is or is not within the range of modern humans and is therefore not a human at a certain confidence level based on the assumptionall humans share statistically modelable genetic characteristics within a confidence level of (whatever the case may be) (emphasis added).
We are still left with exactly zero information about the past state of the genome. And we still don’t know what the spec limits are for what is considered human. We may have control limits, but we cannot confuse control limits with spec limits.
Ø Your “theories” about Mr. Neander are based, ultimately, on speculations about the past.
Ø These speculations are based on data that is lost to history and is unknowable today.
Ø Your statements are without a basis.
So, let’s take a moment and look at ad hoc speculations and supposed predictions. The history of Early Man from Lucy to written history is supposed to have covered a period of time of 100,000 years. If we assume, this is the evolution model – so we have to assume, the following:
Ø A starting population of two
Ø A life span of 50
Ø A doubling of the population every 100 years
These are very generous towards evolution. In fact, every type of fauna in existence today beats these rates. If they didn’t they would be extinct in two generations.
At the 100 th generation we would have a population of 1,267,650,600,228,230,000,000,000,000,000. Now, this is a rediculously large number that would have been kept in check by the ability of the earth to support them. So, let’s take a very small number by comparison: 1million. Not a large population. Sampling only every 50 years produces a total population 20 TRILLION over the course of 100,000 years. Keep in mind that this is a VERY conservative estimate that covers from Lucy to Babylon.
Let’s examine what evolution “predicts”:
We expect: Bones EVERYWHERE! 20 Trillion skeletons have to go somewheres.
We find: Precious few bones. If we were to take all the bones from all the “early men” and put them in a box, they would fit in a box about the size of a casket. Far short of 20 trillion.
We expect: A smooth transition from one species to the next in the fossil record.
We find: Not a single smooth transition of anything. The ones that evo’s have thus far produced are anything but smooth.
So what do the smartest scientist in the world do? Make excuses why we really shouldn’t expect that many bones and pull ‘punctuated equilibrium’ out of thin air. See how this works? “We don’t have the bones where we need them, so there must have been fast and slow periods! And we will call it ‘punctuated equilibrium’! This is really fascinating. This means that the evidence to support their theory was the fact that there is no evidence!