Life After JWs

by Uzzah 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Uzzah

    I wanted to share some very cool (in my opinion) news. In two months I will have been gone from Bethel for 14 years and attended my last meeting 11 years ago. I spent 11 years at Bethel sacrificing all of my 20's to the BORG and finding myself at age 32 with no resume or real work experience.

    It has been a tough haul with the majority of my energy going into building a career. I am now in the humanitarian/charity sector with a decent title and job.

    Today I found out I was nominated to run as Vice President for the Industry Association for my profession. It was a nomination by three of my peers and I was asked today if I accepted the nomination and if I wanted to run in the election. After due consideration (about 20 seconds) I accepted the nomination. The election is in May.

    Whether I win or not to me isn't the issue. The fact that I started so late, have developed enough of a professional reputation and credentials to have people, with no prompting at all, nominate me for the second highest position within the Association is very cool and rewarding.

    I guess I just wanted to share that just because someone was once a slave (birth - age 32) to something with no future doesn't mean one is destined to remain that way.

    Plus a little shameless self-promotion isn't a bad thing after years of being told I am nothing more than a worthless speck of dust.


  • StAnn

    Congratulations, Uzzah!

    You're not a worthless speck of dust. You are a human being and you have value. It is nice when you see that acknowledged in your life, isn't it?


  • Uzzah

    I agree StAnn. Even when I was an elder I remember stating from the platform that we are encouraged not to think more of ourselves than it is necessary to think, which means it is necessary to think something of ourselves. That everyone has something to be proud of. Of course I then distorted it to fit into Society think but the concept remains.

    Self worth is integral and congratulating oneself or celebrating one's strengths, victories and accomplishments is normal and healthy.

    That realization can take forever for some who have been beaten by the BORG for many years.


  • Finally-Free

    Congratulations Uzzah!

    It seems like the watchtower goes out of it's way to surpress the best people while promoting those who are incompetent at everything except kissing ass.

    It's nice to see dedication and hard work recognized, and you must find a great deal of fulfillment working in a sector where you can help people in a real way.


  • Uzzah

    Thanks FF. You have known me since my early 20's so your comments take on a special significance.

    We've both come a long way!!! And yeah, I do take great pleasure in being in a position to make a real difference to others.

    Eat my shorts WTBS!!! With certain projects that I have initiated I will be doing more for people with direct positive impacts in a year than you have in over a century. ... and I don't even demand blind loyalty...

  • apocryphal22

    Congrats Uzzah!

    I know how hard it is to start a career after Bethel. When you leave most people the same age have an education and several years of experience. It’s like you have to work twice as hard just to catch up.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings and Congratulations, Uzzah:

    Though I'm not quite twice your age, I'm heartened that I might still do something with my life, that in the service of my fellowman. I was greatly moved by your comments on a thread of mine (A Thousand Pairs of Eyes), and only wish I were the fellow poster for whom you mistook me (I believe I know who he/she is).

    Till I saw coffee_black's thread about her grandson and yours moments ago, I was seriously considering chucking my so-called career in the arts.

    Maybe I'll keep trying, thanks to your inadvertent encouragement.

    Beyond grateful,


  • coffee_black

    CoCo, of course you need to keep painting!!!! Don't you even think of chucking it! You'll have to answer to me!!!!! :)

    Freedom is a wonderful thing! Freedom to accomplish one's dreams... It's what life is all about!

    Ussah Way to go!


  • passwordprotected

    That's fantastic news, congratulations.

  • LouBelle

    That is great! Just goes to show that you can pick yourself up, dust yourself off and be successful! All the best!

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