Life After JWs
by Uzzah 30 Replies latest jw friends
Congratulations! It's wonderful to read something so positive and encouraging. Thanks for posting that!
Well the election is over ....
81% of the voters ...
ELECTED ME AS VICE PRESIDENT of the Association - Canada Region.
70% of the eligible people voted. It was the largest election victory of all the five positions that were part of the election.
Add to that the fact that I just started dating an intelligent and beautiful former TV personality who is now a French teacher.... who actually seems to like me even!!
There is in fact a career, nay a life after the JW's!!!
ROCK ON EXJW's!!!! The best revenge to the WTBS is to lead a happy and full life!
Oh you're on your high horse now but what are you going to do when Jesus comes back on his motorcycle of fiery doom? Do you have an answer for that fancy hot shot vp of dating hot chicks?
Johnny. Yep I do!
"Hey Jesus/God Dude. I put my life against any of the religiously pious for good works and humanitarian treatment of other people. Only I did it because I wanted to, not out of fear of fiery torment or bribing some unseen God.
Go ahead and judge me!"
PS .... and please forgive me for the unclean acts with the really hot chick...... but DAYYYUM I am only human
Ohhhh Nellie. He's not going to like that answer.
If Jesus was in fact at one time a perfect human male, he would be high fiving me!! Not judging me.
Shameless bump
Congrats! Its always good to see folks getting on with their life.
Will Power
Great news! Alot of people take freedoms for granted. You're living life all over the place now - CAUSE YOU CAN !! and it's sweet!
congrats all-round
will power