Interesting question answered I see by those that will never go back and now let me one who is currently over a very long time slowly going back.
God! in a wor is why we go back! look at some of the alternatives.
1/ Become a reborn Atheist that enjoys fully everything they want from life but knows that it is a one shot deal.
2/ Join another Christian faith that believes in a 3 headed God and what a ceasar decided we should believe 1700 years ago (options For One God are very limiting and tend to be shadows of Jw faith).
3/ Become a Christian faith of one person /leader/acolyte fully deciding what the bible is and means building from scratch what I shall and shan't believe hoping I am blessed with more holy spirit than other men like the leaders of other religions.
4/ Join a Religion of some other group but this may mean learning a whole new book of holy writings and meet new leaders that show me what is the right path now.
4/ Become a bitter ex-witness that defines my new life by hating what I one loved! and do demonstrations outside of Kh's halls at memorial time or call myself a shady superhero character name and spend hours of my life making videos for youtube.
5/ Just be an agnostic live my life as best I can put God on the backburner, just living a good life according to my own thoughts and hoping that that will be enough.
You cannot change that this is really about God and not some men.
The human condition leads us to hope for more than what would be our apparent lot of 3 score years and 10.
And we all search for the 'truth' of what is out there!
I choose Jw because I believe in the bible and they have the closest thing to bible honesty I can find about Jehovah and his actual son Jesus, about nephesh about paradise about hope etc, I have doubts in some things as some will know from old posts, these haven't changed but if I joined another christian faith I would have many many more doubts that I couldn't relate even to the bible