Can you give us some specifics?
by FireNBandits 71 Replies latest watchtower scandals
John Doe
I'm sure my IQ is at least as high as Doe's (likely higher), which must be several points over yours.
I'll bet you carry a ruler around in your purse, huh.
So, what's my iq anyway--80, 90? lol
I'm 131, you dunces.
John Doe
That's real nice warlock.
I think it's hilarious when I see the fine people here who've escaped mental slavery to the WTS humbly submitting themselves to the mental tomfoolery that those 'elected to office' actually care about serving the people.
And this statement "well, what would you have our leaders doing, then?" is comparable with "well, where else should we go to?"
I disagree with the propaganda being put forth in this video.
It is very biased.
It is the christian fundies who are behind all this anti-Obama clamor and have even called him "anti-christ" because he is defending liberal policies regarding right to sexual orientation, abortion, and stem cell research.
The biggest puppet here is Alex Jones. I think he has sincerely, mistakenly fallen prey to the false flags being put forth by the religious fundies and has lost his abilities to see through it for what it is. I think he has become too caught up in the "news" to sit back and deeply analyze who is at the seat of power here.
Illuminati factions control government, but they are also the seat of power behind all religions. The religions are much bigger...more wealth and more power...than any government.
We, the people, cannot be pulled in two directions at one time and succeed in taking down illuminati control. Since religion is bigger, I would think we must expose those lies first and foremost. If we don't, the religious agenda will continue to try to control the politics.
Since the time of the middle ages, the church made the rules and the government enforced them. These two factions have always worked hand in hand, both controlled by an elite power structure which is both behind the throne and the catalyst of all religions.
If we work to expose the lies of religions and the secret societies behind them, a better, fairer rule of government should follow in the future. We can more easily take that bull by the horns (rulership) once people become aware they have been duped and manipulated by the biggest evil entity of religions.
Leave Obama alone and let him do what he must. We can only battle one injustice at a time. The lies of religions must be a priority or they will continue to control politics as well as the masses.
I guess this is as good a place as any to ask a question. What exactly would have our leaders doing at this point? Just give me maybe 5 things specifically.
This is a start.
1. A moratorium on bailouts, whether for Wall Street bankers, General Motors, or the irresponsible guy down the street who "bought" too much house. "Failures must be allowed to fail."
2. Repeal of all "Stimulus" spending for the years 2011 and beyond.
3. Repeal of all "Stimulus" pet projects in 2009-2010 with no stimulative effect.
4. Defeat of the Obama 2010 budget, with a new budget set at 2008 levels plus inflation. We've already spent too much money that we don't have.
5. Defeat of any politician who voted for the February "Stimulus" bill.
6. Complete selloff and shutdown of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and an immediate ban on campaign contributions from both, as well as any other firm in Federal receivership. -
Many of the poor are homeless because they would rather spend their welfare money on drugs and alcohol instead of paying rent. Immigration needs to be shut off- but due to the power of the Hispanic vote, that will never happen
I'm 131, you dunces. Warlock
Aren't you the guy who doesn't believe in opinion polls unless his opinion is polled?
due to the power of the Hispanic vote
If the 'Hispanics' ever turned out to vote in great numbers, they'd be running the country. But they stay away from the voting booth in droves.