by FireNBandits 71 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • beksbks

    How do you guys even know what your IQ is? I've never had occasion to take a test.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    On the internet, everyone's a genius.

  • BizzyBee

    Did you leave te Org. or were you kicked out?

    First successful fader in my family. Those nice brothers could never bring themselves to kick my ass out.

  • beksbks

    So my limited understanding of this kind of stuff makes me think this is rather like having say a box of baseball cards or comic books. In theory they are worth X number of dollars, but if I can't find a buyer to buy them at that rate, then they are actually worth Y number of dollars. If I borrow/or loan based on the assumption I have that X, I'm screwed.


    So in the short term, it could ease things up, making it appear that the banks assets are higher. But if those assets are never tapable, and they have gone on with business as usual, they could be really screwed.


  • BurnTheShips
    So in the short term, it could ease things up, making it appear that the banks assets are higher. But if those assets are never tapable, and they have gone on with business as usual, they could be really screwed.

    These instruments are backed by tangible assets. They will eventually recover. Once we have a "normal" market, perhaps we can return to a form of mark to market (maybe a damping function to reduce volatility in valuations.) Mark to market can create big price swings from statement to statement. M2M should be required in the case of notes, but perhaps not on the statements themselves. And of course we all know that the Obamists are going to say the market is up because of the stimulus. They will never admit (or even understand) the real reason the market is rallying. Either way, MTM was not the main problem, although it did expose the existing problems. I suspect that this rally will prove short-lived.


  • beksbks

    I think it will be very short lived, because it's not "real". Just like it's been for so long. If we don't start making stuff, and giving the people the ability to purchase, we'll never be ok again. Just my humble uneducated opinion, don't hurt me.

  • BurnTheShips

    It isn't "real" Beks. Or at least not completely real. We have been playing a shell game for many years. Having the reserve currency has its benefits. other countries have fallen apart over far less.


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    I've developed a very extensive case of DGAS.

  • beksbks

    That's very nice dear. Just get out there and mend the fences, all's well.

  • FireNBandits

    Man...that's a lot of response generated by one Yoo Toob clip. All I was saying is that he's just another president, business as usual. The machine continues, minus the ghost, clanking mindlessly to nowhere in particular.

    On the other hand, Bark O'Rama is a great name for a cheap whiskey, under two dollars for the jaded faded masses.

    Saint Martin the Lush

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