Understand the Witness mindset before we blast them with facts

by BonaFide 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Chalam


    I have tried various approaches and nothing works! However, I do not want to see people saved from the WT but totally free.

    I am learning this, it is the Holy Spirit's job to free people. Only Jesus' spirit does it, not my scheming, intellect, reasoning or debating.

    John 15 (New International Version)

    5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

    All the best,



    Hi BonaFide

    I'm in a similar position to you and find that asking questions starts them on the road of thinking for themselves instead of the 'Boys in Writing' doing all their thinking for them.

    Been using the watchtower recently (sometimes right after the meeting) asking my friends something like: Did you notice XYZ in paragraph 11? How did they come up with that when the Bible says ABC...

    After a while they open up and become much more at ease to discuss matters although they realise that we would be in trouble if the "elders" found out. I reassure them of my friendship and say that nothing said leaves this room and if the elders ask any questions they will not be implicated. I HAVE EXCELLENT SUCCESS THIS WAY BUT ONLY WITH CLOSE FRIENDS, PARENTS AND INLAWS- Its too risky with others at this stage...

    There is so much to talk to them about and I find that if you come across as having "meditated" on some "truth" and then you compare it to the Bible they listen and begin to process information.

    Conversation starters:

    Organ transplants - people died for what when they were banned in the 60's? Blood fractions - why ok to use donated blood and where did they come up with the approved fractions list?

    Why is preaching work urgent when half of world's population is not being witnessed to? How will God judge these people? What is our 30 second presentation really achieving? Is God going to judge people on the basis of listening to our magazine presentation? Why are we preaching a different 'good news'?

    "Generation" teaching - they received new light in 95 that it related not to 1914 but to wicked people living at a certain time, then in 2008 reversed it and now it apply to "anointed"? Did God reveal error to them?

    Why do they stress works when bible says that salvation is gods GIFT through faith in Jesus? What will save us - belonging to an organization of faith in Christ and living as best we can to please God?

    Why did Jesus not use Jehovah's name etc etc etc...

    Be patient, go SLOWLY and don't use the word "internet" whatever you do as they will automatically shut down...


  • penny2

    Interesting. All I know is the direct approach doesn't work.


  • LouBelle

    I think all of us do understand the mindset of a witness and we've walked that path and had the very same mindset.

    Different strokes for different folks.

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