Excellent find. And timely too because this Sunday's Craptower study article is all about the Memorial and as per usual, goes to great lengths to tell you who gets to partake of the emblems and why.
Just to add to the confusion as to who the WTS says makes up what group, here's a nice little find I found in my studies:
"...ISRAEL OF GOD This expression, found only once in Scripture, refers to spiritual Israel rather than to racial descendants of Jacob..."----Insight on the Scriptures Vol 1 p. 1234 Israel of God
"....James wrote the letter to "the twelve tribes that are scattered about," literally, "the (ones) in the dispersion......Therefore, "the twelve tribes" addressed must be the spiritual "Israel of God."---Insight on the Scriptures Vol 1 p. 1253 James, Letter of
"The 12 tribes mentioned in Revelation chapter 7 must refer to this spiritual Israel for several valid reasons."---Insight on the Scriptures Vol 1 p. 1234 Israel of God
But how can it be talking about 'Spiritual Israel" since Jesus said that the apostles would be judging the 'twelve tribes of Israel'? Would they be sitting in judgement on themselves? Even the Organization realizes that would make no sense as the Insight On the Scriptures Vol 2 pp. 1125-1126 says: ".....It is not reasonable that Jesus meant that they would judge the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel later mentioned in Revelation, for the apostles were to be part of that group. (Eph 2:19-22; Re 3:21)..."
However, since the Society has always maintained that the "12 tribes of Israel" is referring to spiritual Israel how to they explain this problem? Quite simple, they merely change the meaning to suit their own bizarre theories. The Insight On the Scriptures Vol 2 pp. 1125-1126 says: "Consequently, "the twelve tribes of Israel" mentioned at Matthew 19:28 and Luke 22:30 evidently represent "the world" of mankind who are outside that royal priestly class and whom those sitting on heavenly thrones will judge.-Rev 20:4...."
Hmmm......so on one hand, the Twelve Tribes of Israel are referring only to the annointed, yet when that doesn't fit the bill, it's suddenly changed to where it means 'the world of mankind.'
I wonder if anyone has ever called Crooklyn and asked them this question.