Why all the hard work?

by Chalam 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chalam


    Most here know that the teaching of the WT contradictory, deceitful and unbiblical.

    There are many who have left the kingdom hall either physically or just mentally.

    However, why does the hard work of CD-ROM searching, NWT cross referencing and such continue for many?

    These are some possible reasons I guess.

    1. You want to expose the false WT doctrine even further or just learn the full extent of the deception?

    2. You are still "in" and have to keep up pretenses?

    3. You have left the teachings of the WT but are still looking to find God and understand what the bible says?

    4. You are an active JW, believe the NWT is the only accurate translation, that only the WT can help you understand it and other versions and teachings belong to "apostates".

    5. You have some other reasons.

    Look forward to your answers :)

    All the best,


  • possible-san

    I think ... in order to protect people from a person like you?



  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Some people just have a harder time discerning what is bullshit and what isn't, as for myself I never really researched anything,

    I just took whatever was written by the WTS. that it was designed specifically to sell and cultivate power toward the boys in Brooklyn.

    .....and that was it.

  • WTWizard

    Many work hard because they want to believe that it is the truth, albeit with a few minor flaws. Then they start digging, only to find more and more problems. They want solutions, they are told to wait on Almighty Escargot (Jehovah), and put up with it. They continue experiencing the problems, so they want answers.

    Besides, I don't trust the CD-ROM search engine. It has likely been rigged to prevent anyone from finding simple answers that might expose the Washtowel Slaveholdery as a scam.

  • JWdaughter

    I try to understand where they are coming from. I keep hoping for the biblical or JW arguement that will get anyone reading it miraculously(!) free of the deception. And I am kind of pissed off at the WT org. And I know that when I learn more about them, their power slips because I then have knowledge that I can share. And the more we know, the less they like it! That is good enough reason. The fact that it keeps me from ever being sucked in by my desire to please my mom again is just a bonus. I love my mom, but not enough to live a half life.

  • quietlyleaving

    I have family in and this is part of my community life. It is a very dynamic community with lots of competing forceful opinions and makes a change from being told to shutup and sit quietly at a KH for example.

    You musn't think we are baiting you when we question you although it may feel like you are being baited. I for my part really do want to have a proper discussion.

    It doesn't bother me that the wts are being deceitful, contradictary and unbiblical but what does bother me is the authority that they invest themselves with. Then of course we have to examnne how they are being such in order to undermine the position and preferential treatment they have awarded themselves. I'm starting to realize that we must do this with any organisation or system of thought. And yes it is a lot of hard work but imo it is worth it.

    thanks for raising the question


  • LouBelle

    I think there are many on here that do it because they do actually enjoy the research and it deffinately comes in handy when a newbie asks a question and the likes of Leolia / Blondie can answer them and give references.

    Many make clips: V & Awakend to educate others.

    Persoanlly - I've left that all behind. I don't need to prove anything. I've found my truth. Besides I can't stomach doing JW research.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I have family members still in the cult.

    They are actively recruiting new victims.

    I need every tool available to me to lever them out of the cult.

    When they lie to me or try to mislead me, I need to recognise it immediately and be able to expose their deceit to prick what little remains of their consciences.

    I do not restrict my education to the one cult either. I do my best to stimulate the brain cells of a member of any cult who will speak to me.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    My wife has family members inside the group. I don't spend much time thinking about the JWs, but it does seem that every "memorial season" since we have left I brush up on my knowledge of all things JW. I do enjoy analyzing the group however. IMO there simply has not been a comprehensive publication of any sort that truely gets to the heart of the movement. This board has become somewhat of an encyclopedia of sorts in which great ideas and insights become amalgamated.

  • reniaa

    I think the difference is whether you are an apostate or just anti-witness, one walks away the other becomes involved in actively trying to destroy what they once loved.

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